10-01-24 10:01 AM
Dear Everyone
How to check SAP textbox is editable or not in SAP spy mode?
Or it can be check in other spy mode?
16-01-24 10:21 PM
This code checks the editability of the specified textbox. You can modify the code and adjust the ID as per your SAP environment.
To check if a SAP textbox is editable, you can use code stage, it should look like:
Dim SapGuiAuto As Object
Dim Application As Object
Dim Connection As Object
Dim session As Object
SapGuiAuto = GetObject("SAPGUI")
Application = SapGuiAuto.GetScriptingEngine
Connection = Application.Children(0)
session = Connection.Children(0)
If session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/subDETAIL_AREA:SAPLCNPB_M:1010/subVIEW_AREA:SAPLCJWB:3998/tabsPTABSCR/tabpPGND/ssubSUBSCR2:SAPLCJWB:1205/ctxtPROJ-PWHIE").Changeable Then
session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/subDETAIL_AREA:SAPLCNPB_M:1010/subVIEW_AREA:SAPLCJWB:3998/tabsPTABSCR/tabpPGND/ssubSUBSCR2:SAPLCJWB:1205/ctxtPROJ-PWHIE").Text = "NewValue"
MsgBox("The textbox is not changeable/editable.")
End If
17-01-24 08:37 AM
Hello friend
In SAP Spy mode, verifying textbox editability is crucial. Explore SAP's native features or consider alternative spy modes for a comprehensive check. Effective testing ensures smooth SAP functionality.