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How to connect to a Sybase Database

Level 2
Hi all,

I am working with a client that needs to insert and recieve data from a Sybase database with blueprism. How can I make this connection? Has someone done something similar?

I already tried to do it with a OLEDB action in blueprism but it has not worked.


Felipe Salgado
IT Consultant
Paradigma / Chile

Felipe Salgado
Consultor Senior

Hello Felipe,

This issue is very rare since the Sybase DB is an uncommon DB and therefore we don't have much in the way of supporting this topic. However, there may be some others in our Community that might have some positive feedback for you and I will be looking forward to their comments and helpful tips

In the meantime, have you tried to confirm your OLEDB to Sybase connection before introducing Blue Prism? We know Blue Prism can interact with OLEDB, so if you can confirm your OLEDB to Sybase connection first, you might have better luck with your overall connection to Blue Prism after that connection is made.

Best of Luck and if I find more support on this, I will be sure to pass it along.


David Flores
Sr. Product Consultant
Blue Prism
Regards, [FirstName] [LastName] [JobTitle] [CompanyName]

Hi @david.flores / @FelipeSalgado ,

Could you please help me in making connection with BP and SYBASE. How to make connection ?​

@FelipeSalgado - Did you find any solution for this ?


Vaibhav Arora
Senior Process Optimisation developer

Level 3
Hi @Felipe Salgado Please let us know if we have any solution for this?

Prasanna Sai Pothineni

Level 9
Install Sybase ODBC driver on the Runtime Resources.
Develop Blue Prism process using Data - ODBC VBO which can be found in the digitalexchange.

Bohyon Hwang

Can you please help me to know where to get the Sybase ODBC driver?

Prasanna Sai Pothineni

Sybase is aquired by SAP, I heard. Probably, SAP homepage might give you some information about Sybase.

Bohyon Hwang

Hi Bohyon,

Thanks for your solution, i got the driver installed in the run time resource and while I am trying the connection to Sybase through Blueprism by using the below connection string: "database=" & [Database] & "; data source=" & [Server] & "; user id=" & [User] & "; password=""" & [Password] &""""&"; Connection Timeout=40", the below error is getting up: Data source name not found and no default driver specified.

Can you please help to find out where I am missing?

Prasanna Sai Pothineni

I'm not sure but the data source is not a server, I think.
Data source name must be added using the ODBC admin tool.
Why don't you review the following document.
Connect to an ODBC Data Source (SQL Server Import and Export Wizard) - SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) | Microsoft Learn

Bohyon Hwang

Hi Bohyon,

Thanks for the info, using the above link, i tried to generate the connection string, but it is failing to establish the connection to Sybase database.

Can you please let me know how to connect over the call?

Prasanna Sai Pothineni