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How to invoke .bat file from the application modeller

Level 2
Hi All, I have an windows application, which has a .bat file instead of an .exe, for it to be launched. I am stuck here, as I cannot use application modeller to launch a .bat file and then spy the application. I need some expert advice. The requirement is -  Windows Application which is launched from a .bat file instead of .exe, and then spy the launched application.   Thanks  

Level 15
Have you tried launching it via the Start Process action in the Utility - Environment VBO?  The other option is to create a shortcut link (.lnk file) to your bat file which you would potentially be able to launch in Blue Prism. However you start your .BAT launched app - you will then need logic to wait for the application and attach to it.

Level 2
I tried using start process, but it does not work. I passed the ""cmd.exe"" and the path to the .bat file, the cmd prompt is launched but after that nothing happens. I am doing anything wrong here.

Not applicable
My suggestion would be to look at what the .bat file is doing. What is the steps being taken in the .bat file? Can you launch the application by typing the commands in the .bat file in to a command line and get it to launch. Is the application a Java app? Can you use java integration to launch the app? I would try and answer these questions and see if that help solve your issue.

Level 2
Thanks for your response, yes I can launch the application from the command prompt. Yes this is a java application. The bat file is a simple file eg -  start javaw -cp /lib/app1.jar:lib/app2.jar:lib/app3.jar  

Level 3
@Shibu tewar      And all I have same doubt. I performed same steps and used start process. But in my case also command prompt is launching and closing Immediately. My application is not launching. Can someone please help me.