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How to overcome "more than one matching" error to utilize all of the matched fields?

Hello, In some part of the process, I need to give inputs to the boxes which I don't know how many of them will appear on screen. I tried to use wildcard matching for some attributes, and it worked for identifying; however the system gives "more than one matching" error. How could I proceed? Any help appreciated

Ideally you need to find a combination of attributes unique to each element. Sometimes Ordinal can help, but not always. Physical coordinates/dimensions can be used, but the risk is they do not remain constant. Also research Match Index and Match Reverse.

Thanks John. The problem is not about differentiating fields. Actually the fields are differentiable but they could be any number and I could not how many fields there will be. Is there a way to identify them with some kind of logic? Thanks

Maybe. If you can predict the attributes of the attributes of the elements that could appear, then you have a chance. Let's say there are 10 possible fields and they are called Field1, Field2....If you are able to add each filed to the application model, then you could use a wait stage to tell you if each one is present, either with CheckExist=False or through the timeout. But this all depends on the target application and whether the attributes of the elements follow a pattern. You need to be able to anticipate how the application will work