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How to pass ( ) into Send keys

Level 5


I want to pass my shared drive path into send keys
C:/ABC/XYZ (R drive)/Randon values/Random Values.xlsx but because of ( ) its not able to write values & throw exception as group delimeters are not balanced.

Please suggest how can i pass my values . I am using Env variable data type to pass this.


Hi  sapna soni,

Try to use copy and paste clipboard instead of using global send keys

If I answered your query. Please mark it as the Best Answer

Harish Mogulluri

Level 5

Hi Harish ,
How can i use Copy clipboard action . Please elaborate steps & syntax.

Hi Sapna Soni,

You can pass the text from the input parameter by using below VBO

VBO: Utility - envioronment
1) Clear Clipboard
2) Set Clipboard(set the data item that you want in the Clipboard)

3) you can use Global Send Keys: ^v to paste the data in the desired place.

For the step 3 you can try Global send keys if it is not working then you might need to create C# or code to escape special characters 

If I answered your query. Please mark it as the Best Answer

Harish Mogulluri

Level 5


Has someone passed ( ) into send keys in navigate stage. If yes, plz let me know how to bypass this delimiter?
C:/ABC/XYZ (R drive)/Randon values/Random Values.xlsx

Level 7


I hope you have already solved your issue

Still you can check this by enclosing in this way {(} , {)}

so if you are long text then you can use replace function to replace ( with {(} and ) with {)} in calculation stage

Lakshmi Narayana