28-07-23 12:37 PM
Hi, I get a JSON response via API - a list of names with their details. I convert this response to a collection, which are collections in the collection. Any ideas on how I can search for a name without looping through the whole collection?
16-08-23 06:17 AM
Hi Athiban,
As you suggested i tested it and it's working fine. Now i found that it's a case sensitive. Let's say in the response content we may have Matchday in any format (All letters are capital/All small letters/Only first letter capital/Some other format) we don't have any control on it. So can we add something in our query it should make case insensitive and matches only with the exact characters.
Response Content: MATCHDAY
InStr([Response Content],"Matchday")<> 0
16-08-23 07:13 AM
Hi Salman,
You can convert the input string to Lower or Upper and perform InStr operation. You can try as mentioned below.
InStr(Lower([Input]),"matchday") > 0