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How to select more than one option in multiple select box with the data extracted from Excel data.

Level 3
I have multiple Select box and i want to select more than one option with data extracted from Excel. I am able to extract data from excel as single option and select by using MS Excel VBO and collections. But i want to select more than one options with data entered in excel under same Header with each option separated by a comma or any other characters.

Level 2
Hi Yogesh, Two Loops and Two Collections required to perform this.. i.e, First Spy the first Check box and keep that as a dynamic on match index. Then use an read stage to perform a GetTable as collection by giving a Params as 1. And then put an excel data in Second collection. By using the loop of the excel data collections inside the loop of the GetTable collection by increasing the Counter(i.e Intial is Counter=0) Check for the both collection fields are equal or not(eg: [First Collection.Content]= [Excel.Content]) In Decision, if Yes means select the Dynamic ComboBox(Click Center) by passing the counter value.. and if No means connect to inner loop end and connect to increment counter to make a connect to first loop.

Level 3
Thanks Dinesh. Actually for selecting Multiple options i need to use Keyboard key Ctrl and select the option required.So how can we use Keyboard events in Blue Prism.

Level 15
If you need to use specific keys such as ctrl then I think you need to look at the Surface Automation training which will tell you how that is done.

In order to select the Multiple options in Multiple select box i have only method i.e press, hold the Ctrl and select the options simultaneously. When i am giving sequence of events like first selecting the first option by 'Select Item' followed by Keyboard Key 'Ctrl' and then again select second option, after the second action Ctrl is released and unable to select multiple options. Also, for the Keyboard keys i am able to send actions with combination of same type (like Ctrl + A) but unable to concatenate one Keyboard key like Ctrl with other events like Select Item or Click. So, do have any other methods to simultaneously use Keyboards key and any other actions.

Level 15
Using Send Key Events, have you tried just sending the Ctrl down key (without the up keystroke)? And then doing whatever multiple actions you need to do whilst that key is down before sending the Ctrl up key? If you do something like this you need to ensure 100% that the control up keystroke is always done, maybe by having an exception handling block around everything you do with it down that catches the exception and does the ctrl up key if required.