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How to split one object into few objects

Level 4
Hello, I'm using Blueprism and I have to create a robot for a web application. So far I've had all of my subpages spied in one object, but now I must split that object into 5 different objects, each object for one subpage for example :
Now I got this : Web App - Object and I must split it into
Web App - Login Page
Web App - Main Page
Web App - Settings Page etc.

Everything worked when I had just one object but now it's not.
I spied elements again for my new objects in my application modeler.
Also I tried the "Sharable option" and of course published all of my pages.

For example my Web App - Main Page action cannot be used by my Settings Page. I can choose it from the list but then I get this error :

Internal : Failed To perform Step 1 In Navigate Stage 'Click' on page 'click' - Not Connected

What should I do and what should I write in application modeler when I'm asked for the URL of my start page? I've tried the main url for example, my subpages url : and also I tried to leave it blank.

Please help me to solve this problem



Patryk - It's great you got it working!  When you did the split, how was that done?  Did you copy/paste from one studio to the other?

Or did you save the Object and Rename it, then delete the pages not needed?

Adam Binder
Head of Professional Services, Americas
Blue Prism

Level 6
I've noticed that when attaching to Internet Explorer with Window Titles you have to add " - Internet Explorer" to the end of the parameter for it to work, otherwise using wildcard usually works as @Tetsuji Junicho suggested.


Joakim Eklund
Senior RPA Developer
Swedbank AB