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How to spy Java application run from JNLP file

Not applicable
Hi, I'm trying to automate some tasks on a Java application, which after installing appears not to be a JAR but a JNLP file. I've updated my JRE to the latest version and enabled the JAB from Win7 ease of access centre. However I've tried a number of different ways of trying to attach/spy and am unable to progress. Based on it appears that the JNLP is Java Network Launch Protocol and runs remote resources based on the definition in the JNLP file. This makes me think that this will then present like Citrix Desktops and require screen space identification. However, I can't correctly attach to anything. I'm going to try again with some more combinations (It runs using javaws.exe so might try some other combinations) but if anyone has had experience of dealing with JNLPs then I would appreciate any pointers on how best to attach. Java 1.8.0_131-b11 (v8 update131) Blue Prism v4.2.55.0 Thanks in advance JP

Level 2
we tried JNLP spying in java or any other mode but could not succeed. we alternatively used JAR file local installation and was able to spy in java mode 1.7 and above. I believe only surface automation will work for JNLP type applications.

Level 4
We have an application which is also using the JNLP file to launch but when the application gets launched it started with the process name- javaw.exe in the task manager. so using the process name and the window name i could attach to the application and also enabling the JAB on the machine i am able to identify the elements using Java mode, AA mode.

Level 2
Hello, Can you please tell me how you were able to launch a JNLP file in BluePrism? I am getting an error trying that and it seems like only JAR flies can be launched when the apllication modeller is set to JAVA based application.  Than you very much.

Level 2
The answer is: via object ""Utility - Environemnt"" action ""Start Process

Level 3
With the help of ""Start Process"", we can launch the file, but then How can we provide commands like Global Send Keys to the process? As it is not rooted to the Application modeller.

Level 14
Hi Ankit, You still need to build out an Application Model in Application Modeller. What they were describing above is merely the launch portion of dealing with the app. After launching with Start Process, you need to use an attach (navigate stage) action to connect to the application. When you use Global Send Keys, you will be able to use the root as you mentioned because now you'll be attached to the window. You'll need to play around with how to attach. It could be as simple as attaching to the Window Title or the Process Name or a combination of both. Respectfully, Dave
Dave Morris 3Ci at Southern Company Atlanta, GA

Level 3
Hi Dave,   Thanks for your help and support. I do understand now.  Good Day!.   Regards, Ankit