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How to subtract Date.

Level 2
In Date function, we have add days to the given date. But I need to subtract from the given date eg ( 23/05/2018)-2 , I need to get result as (21/05/2018) and I need to find the date is workday or not please suggest if we have any functions in blueprism.     

Level 4
There is an action ""Add Working Days"" is present under business object ""Calendars"". You need to provide the 'Calendar name', 'Date' and 'Days to Add' as input parameters. To subtract use negative number as an input in Days. There is another action ""Is Working Day"" present in same business object to check whether the given date is a working day or not. You need to create a calendar and list of holidays first from the control room. To add and subtract days you can use date function as well. Use negative number in Days to subtract number of days..