31-07-19 02:47 PM
31-07-19 03:11 PM
<process name="__selection__Test object"><stage stageid="b4053218-2b88-4db4-9349-a497d4755152" name="Coll1" type="Collection"><narrative></narrative><displayx>-645</displayx><displayy>-45</displayy><displaywidth>60</displaywidth><displayheight>30</displayheight><font family="Segoe UI" size="10" style="Regular" color="000000" /><datatype>collection</datatype><private /><alwaysinit /><collectioninfo><field name="Field1" type="datetime" /></collectioninfo></stage></process>
This may sound painful, but I honestly think that for many organizations it will take less time to do this manually than to develop and rely on a script to identify whether pieces will be affected by this change. (Again, unless someone made it available to the community). You'll probably know once you search for datetime in your releases.
As far as I know, there's no way to dynamically create a datetime field. Blue Prism requires that you define that data type ahead of time (unlike number and text fields which can be created dynamically in a collection). You may also want to consider any outlying scenarios where there is custom code that outputs a DateTime in a collection in a dynamic way, but here again this is very unlikely.
My guess is that you'll start looking through the processes and you'll find datetimes are uncommon. The best way to test this may just be to copy the processes over to V6 and run them in a test environment for a week and take note of the outputs and whether they match the same thing in V5.
31-07-19 09:51 PM
In excel file use the following formulas to get Process name =MID(A2,SEARCH("name=",A2)+5,SEARCH("xmlns=",A2)-SEARCH("name=",A2)-5)
datetime exists =IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("datatype>datetime</datatype",A2)), "Yes", "No")
Number of times datetime exists =(LEN(A2)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(UPPER(A2),UPPER("datatype>datetime</datatype"),"")))/LEN("datatype>datetime</datatype")
Apply formula for all the cells. If you already have Kutools for excel we can copy paste into single cell and do split text using "process id=" or "object id="
or else using Utility strings split text using split char "process id=" for processes and "object id=" for objects and write the collection in above generated excel template. It will just take 5 min to develop this simple process and give you results in a min when you run it.
Please Test effectively prior implementing it.