I read here
https://bpdocs.blueprism.com/hub-interact/4-2/en-us/interact/interact-ug-restrictions.htm?tocpath=Interact%7CInteract%20guides%7CInteract%7C_____5 about recommendation for number of fields on a page and number of pages in a form which is 40 fields on a page and 10 pages with 30 fields on each page to have "reasonable" time to render the form/page.
Apart of the time which may increase is there any limitation for the number of fields and consequently number of form rules?
Let me give you an example:
1. Interact does not allow to build rules among various pages
2. We might need to design a form having 100 fields and put all of them on one page
3. We might need to define 100+ Form Rules to display dynamically what needs to be displayed
Yeah, I know very very difficult to maintain but the current functionality does not allow to do it otherwise. The other option would be to create a page and submit and use the Interact API (yes, it is in the game as well) but I would like to know whether it is possible at all or I will encounter some hard limits.
Zdeněk Kabátek
Head of Professional Services