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Is work Queues only way to get timestamp of last run of a process?

Level 3

I am working with a POC and the process is scheduled to run once everyday. The process fetches emails from previous day's run timestamp to Now() daily.
Is there any other way to get the last run timestamp of a process, which can be used in the next run of the same process...Appreciate your help..Thanks

Boni Sahithi

Hi Boni,

You could log the value of Now() to a file and use this to record the previous execution time. Reading this file at the start of the process would give you the previous execution time to work from then you could write out the current value of Now() to the file with the time you worked up to ready for the next execution. You would have to take care to ensure file access is restricted to ensure it cannot be modified outside of the process.



Chris McGowan
Senior Technical Consultant
Blue Prism

Level 11
Depending on what mail program you use I would recommend another approach, which would also add restartability to your process.
I would recommend to move every processed mail to another location (eg folder in Outlook) and clean the inbox this way.
When the process starts it can scan the inbox for existing mails, regardless when they arrived because the mails in the inbox can only have arrived after the previous run.
If the process terminates for whatever reasons, you won't have to care about if you should consider this run's timestamp or take the previous run's timestamp, since it will not matter.

Walter Koller
Solution Manager
Erste Group IT International GmbH

Thanks Walter, this seems to be a new perspective of the solution.

Boni Sahithi

Thanks Chris, solution was helpful.

Boni Sahithi