09-07-21 01:57 PM
21-07-21 03:45 PM
21-07-21 04:43 PM
<soap:faultstring>Couldn't process soap inputs - BluePrism.Server.Domain.Models.InvalidFormatException: Invalid value 'i' for a new number
at BluePrism.AutomateProcessCore.clsProcessValue..ctor(DataType dtype, String val, Boolean allowInvalid)
at BluePrism.AutomateProcessCore.clsWSDLProcess.XSDToAutomateValue(DataType dtDataType, XmlNode xml, clsCollectionInfo def)
at BluePrism.AutomateProcessCore.clsProcessWSDL.ProcessSOAPInputs(String sInputs, clsProcess proc, String& sMethod, String& sSession, String& sErr)</soap:faultstring>
You mentioned you're calling an exposed process. Is that process using VBOs? If so, do you know what the run-mode is on all of the VBOs? I'm wondering is perhaps you're running into a situation where one or more VBOs are set to Foreground or Exclusive?
Eric Wilson
Director, Integrations and Enablement
Blue Prism Digital Exchange
22-07-21 03:52 PM
22-07-21 04:17 PM