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Issue with identifying Part Number in Decipher

Level 3

I am training Decipher on different types of invoices. Usually one of the fields I am looking for: Part Number is supposed to be under the Item Number column in the below image.  And it works fine if the Part Number is to be taken from Item Number column.

For this particular type of invoice,  the part number is the one beside CUST PART header and Quantity is the one below Shipped Column.
I have trained Decipher multiple times to identify the CUST PART # field but it is returning an empty value in the Part Number & also in the Quantity field.  I have already added sample headers to the DFD.
Please let me know if there's any other way I can help Decipher identify the same.


Avina Semlani



Avina Semlani

Hi @Ben.Lyons1,

As per your suggestion, I tried adding the TemplateMinMatchPercent as 70 in the DFD and re-trained the invoices. It did not work so I increased it to 80. But I am still facing the same issue and it is still unable to read the Part number or quantity. 

I have added it in the PO number field as you suggested that it can go in any field in the document. Can you please check the below screenshot and let me know if I'm doing something wrong?

Please let me know if you need anything else.


Avina Semlani

Hi Avina,

The setting looks correctly added.

Unfortunately you have a situation that doesn't have an obvious answer, so it will be a case of trying a few different ideas. The challenge you have is that every time you train a document with a technique that doesn't work, your training data will be a little further away from where you need it. This is why I regularly delete my training data during configuration, as this helps speed up the learning.

I can't see clearly, but it looks like your sample header is "CUST PART #:", when the text is only "CUST PART #" (without : ). Is this correct?

You could perhaps also try it without the sample header and maybe add fields for the other columns of the table. Even if they're not needed, it may help Decipher learn the layout. You can always add the flag "Non Exportable" and they won't be sent to Blue Prism.

If that doesn't work, you could try a couple of the sub-table misc parameters

"SubTableCategory=On" may help show that this is part of a slightly different layout.

Ultimately with non-standard layouts like this, you will need to look through the available functions and see how they might help.


Ben Lyons
Product Consultant
Blue Prism
Ben Lyons
Principal Product Specialist - Decipher
SS&C Blue Prism
UK based