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Issue with the Utility - Collection Manipulation object

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​Dear Community Members,

I have an issue with the Utility - Collection Manipulation object.

Please find below some details:
I am using the the aforementioned object to filter out a specific row of employee data from a created collection.
The filter being applied is the employee's last name. In some cases the employee names contain apostrophes which are causing BP to throw the following error:
"Internal: Could not execute code stage because exception thrown by code stage: Syntax error: Missing operand after '(here the employee's right-hand value of the last name after the apostrophe)' operator."

I understand that the filter value already contains two apostrophes (e.g. [Column3] = 'EmployeeFirstName LastName' and the third apostrophe from the employee's last name is causing the aforementioned error.

Did any of you face a similar problem and were able to address and solve it?

Thank you in advance for your valuable feedback.

Kind regards,

Tomasz Stempniewicz
Project Manager

Level 2
Hi Tomasz,

In cases you using apostrophe within the string to filter by then the filter literal has to be enclosed in apostrophes and apostrophes in the filter literals have to be doubled.

For example:-

"Field1 = 'O''Leary'"

Example : "variable = 'siddesh''s'"

Further examples of the queries that can be used in the filter can be found via the following link:

Siddesh cr