04-12-18 10:18 PM
04-12-18 10:19 PM
04-12-18 11:19 PM
05-12-18 12:38 AM
If you're determined to go the .NET route, you can do the following as a C# code stage, where proc is the process name. IE: ""notepad.exe"". Just make sure you add System.Diagnostics as a namespace reference. Looks like you can add a user check to it by running a session query, as shown here: https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/vstudio/en-US/aeff7e41-a4ba-4b… . Though the taskkill solution is definitely a lot simpler, haha.
foreach(Process p in Process.GetProcesses()) { if (p.ProcessName.ToLower().Equals(proc.ToLower())) p.Kill(); }
14-06-21 10:34 AM
14-06-21 02:27 PM
14-06-21 04:48 PM
14-06-21 05:23 PM
14-06-21 06:24 PM