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Launch Windows Run command without opening any application


How can I use Send Key Events without an Application Modeler? I can run cmd line via the Start Process action. That works. But in this case, there is a specific ask on how I can do the following without using an Application Modeler

For instance, I want to run the Win+r command followed by typing the cmd line. And this has to be done without opening any specific application.  But is this even possible in Blue Prism?

I did see this thread here, but it isn't clear what process the Application Modeler shown here is attached to.



Hello Prashanth, 

It is possible via Virtual Keys [C#]. With this vbo, these keys are sent directly to the Windows OS. However, looking at the virtual keys documentation, I was unable to find a keycode for the Win key. That might need to be developed in the VBO with a code stage. In any case - here is our custom Virtual Keys VBO to help you get started. Let me know if you have any other questions. The majority of the code and functions are found in the Initialise page along with the URLs for the documentation. It's not possible to send keys through the object without Activating the application via the Application Modeler. 


Hi Prashanth, 

Doesn't look like BP Community allows me to share code. Send me your email via DM and I will email you our VBO.
