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Storage Location --> File Uploaded

Level 5
i m trying to understand where the uploaded files by form interact request are saved.
Specifically, i looked for into db about a table that could contain some information about the file, but without success.
The only useful information is the URL that communicate Blue Prism into the collection after the file is correctly uploaded.
Into the BluePrsim's guide, the only reference i found about it is:

So, where the uploaded file are saved specifically?

Thanks for the answer,

Ambrogio Crivelli
RPA Developer

Helpful Answers

Hi Ambrogio

The file isn't stored in a database, it is stored within the hub web server. As a default, the path for this folder is "https://file.local/Files/self-serve-private/". The uploaded file is also assigned a GUID as part of the Upload File VBO to ensure that files uploaded with the same name are unique.

For example, here I have uploaded a file called "image.png" and the link received from the VBO is "https://file.local/Files/self-serve-private/image.ad21bb40-82f4-4fdc-99ab-d7e07fd080cb.png".

Hope this helps.

Joe Farr
Product Consultant
Blue Prism Limited

View answer in original post


Hi Ambrogio

The file isn't stored in a database, it is stored within the hub web server. As a default, the path for this folder is "https://file.local/Files/self-serve-private/". The uploaded file is also assigned a GUID as part of the Upload File VBO to ensure that files uploaded with the same name are unique.

For example, here I have uploaded a file called "image.png" and the link received from the VBO is "https://file.local/Files/self-serve-private/image.ad21bb40-82f4-4fdc-99ab-d7e07fd080cb.png".

Hope this helps.

Joe Farr
Product Consultant
Blue Prism Limited

Thanks for the wonderful explanation Joe!

If possible, i have another question:
i noticed that the uploaded files from Interact Web Form are saved into <path>Files/self-serve/ and can be downloaded by put them link address into search bar of browser. (example: https://file.local/Files/self-serve/image.ad21bb40-82f4-4fdc-99ab-d7e07fd080cb.png)
If i used the method "Upload File" into the object "Utility - Interact API" , the file is saved into the folder <path>/Files/self-serve-private/ and using the link into the browser search bar, it s not possible download the file (with HTTP ERROR 401).

It's possible use the method to upload the file into the not private folder, so as to reachable to download by search bar browser?
Exists a way to download the file used the link address (the output of "Upload File")?


Ambrogio Crivelli
RPA Developer

Hi Ambrogio

It's not possible to download the file using the link address in that way, It can only be accessed through Interact.
Are you facing a particular issue with downloading the file from the Interact Form?


Joe Farr
Product Consultant
Blue Prism Limited

Hi.  We have a use case where we need to have the interact form uploaded and then have the file available.  Is there a folder we can move the uploaded file to so that people could access it in the interact website?

Jesse Tutt
Jesse Tutt Program Director, IT Intelligent Automation Alberta Health Services Red Deer, Alberta, Canada

Hi Jesse

Is the problem that the user is not able to download the file when the Submission is placed in their Inbox?

Currently, a file uploaded to an Interact form is only available for download when the Form is in Submitted history. This will be resolved in an upcoming future release and a file will be available to download using a Download button in any Interact tab. We'll also be adding a hyperlink feature which could help here.

For the time being there are a couple of things you could try although they might not be ideal for your use case. The user could resubmit the form to move it to their Submitted history although this will create another submission, either via email or in your queue depending on delivery method. Alternatively, you could post a link to the shared folder you mention in a Text field, although this would have to be copied and pasted rather than clicked as the link is not live. I believe the digital worker may also be able to access the private folder and move the relevant file to a different folder but I haven't tested this myself and the new folder would not be accessible directly through Interact either.


Joe Farr
Product Consultant
Blue Prism Limited

Hi @Joe Farr,

I have a query here, user uploaded a image through interact form and in the blueprism process i got the link to the image like you have shown above but i want the image to be downloaded to local for further processing and how to access the path to self-serve using file explorer as i am not able to find the self-serve folder in my local.

Upload file action is being used for uploading a image to the form or downloading the image from form?

I have used upload file action for downloading the image but getting the below error

If I was of assistance, please vote for it to be the "Best Answer".

Thanks & Regards,
Salman Shaik
If I was of assistance, please vote for it to be the "Best Answer". Thanks & Regards, Salman Shaik

Hi Salman

You need to use the Download File action in the Utility - File Management VBO. If you use the link for the uploaded file in the Source URL input, you will be able to download it to the destination you specify. 
4348.pngHope this helps!

Joe Farr
Senior Product Specialist
Blue Prism Limited

Hi @Joe Farr,

As you said i tried with the Download File action its working fine

I have two more questions for you

  1. I got the link from queue data by using the link can we decode the path or else can we go to the specific path (where the file is being saved by Interact) like we go to the files in our local drive and copy the file to local drive for further processing? How to manually open the folder path (self-serve/ self-serve-private) like shown in the below screenshot?
  2. Let's say i have a use case during Hub & Interact installation it is exposed to outside users, so one user will be attaching some documents from their local drive (who is at a different geography) while filling the form, If i use the Download File action in my VM (which is running at a different geography other than the user environment) will the file going to be downloaded in my VM?  If it is able to download the file then where the file will be stored by Interact during form submission, how it is communicating?

Can we use the same Download File action for downloading the files from a website if we have direct link to a particular file on the web?

Waiting for your response.....

If I was of assistance, please vote for it to be the "Best Answer".

Thanks & Regards,
Salman Shaik

If I was of assistance, please vote for it to be the "Best Answer". Thanks & Regards, Salman Shaik

Hi Salman

  1. It's no longer possible to navigate to the folders as Interact now saves them to the Interact File Service. The link provided is where it is saved in the File Service, meaning that the file can be accessed by another user with access to the submission in Interact or by a Digital Worker running a process. Download File then gives you the ability for the Digital Worker to save it in a location you specify, or to refer the form to another user for them to download locally.
  2. The uploaded file is stored on the File Service, so it can be accessed independently by human users or the Digital Worker, regardless of geographical location. If you hit download in Interact, it will be stored wherever the browser is set to store downloaded files (usually the local Downloads folder). You will only download a copy of the file, however, and the original will remain linked to the form in the file service, unless you choose to upload a different file.

You can use download file to link to a file on a website and as long as your machine or the Digital Worker is able to access it, it can be downloaded to a location you specify. 


Joe Farr
Senior Product Specialist
Blue Prism Limited