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Launching Issue While working With Win 10

Level 6
Hi, When I tried configuring a simple application like calculator with the modeller in Windows 10. Every time I launch the calculator from the modeller the application launches correctly but the modeller fails to attach to that application and again shows the launch button to launch the application. This thing works fine till Win 7.But later versions than Win 7 are having the same issue Is there some change in the applications in Win 10 which require some different way of interaction. Tried everyway of attaching to that application but failed in Win 10. Any advice would be appreciated Thanks.

Hi Prateek - it's not you, Calculator has changed in Window 10. You can work around the problem by launching via Utility - Environment.Start Process and then attaching. AA (blue) spy mode should then work.

Level 6
Hi John, A little old thread though, but I am not bale to attach to Calculator in Win 10 and until unless I am able to attach it, spying cannot be done. Please assist. Advice would be appreciated. Thanks In Advance.

Can you please explain the process in detail. I've launched the application via Utility - Environment.Start Process but not able to attach to application. Also, if we launch the application with Start process utility, still there is no way of modelling as it is not showing in Application modeller.

Level 3
Hi Prateek, Do onething, As usual add calc.exe in application modeller and launch it over there. After that in object studio add navigation stage take action as launch. Now we have application modeller opened and also calculator launched. Take navigation stage and put attach in navigation stage action. Connect those stages to start and end stages. Run it. Now you got ""IDENTIFY BUTTON "" in application modeller. now you identify calculator.

Thank you Manohar for the guidance. This works for general application like Calculator and at development stage. The issue happens when we used specific application which does not allow to launch multiple instances. Second, in real time scenario (running process model from start to end), this fixes will not help. We need some fixes around this as mostly all are migrating with Win10.

Niraj Shah
Automation Associate II
S&P Global Market Intelligence