08-05-17 03:41 PM
08-05-17 05:37 PM
16-12-17 08:31 AM
20-12-17 06:14 PM
30-12-20 09:16 AM
@Denis__Dennehy Why not make Blue Prism's functionality better than other programs, instead of just matching it?
It should be trivial to have Studio keep the auto-saved information until the next successful save. Humans make mistakes, and being able to "undo" them is invaluable. Hitting the wrong button by mistake shouldn't mean losing hours of work when the work has already been saved. It should be as simple as right-clicking on the process/object, and selecting, "restore last auto-save". Of course there are many ways to implement this, but, it would surely be useful to many that have discarded work by accident.
How would one go about requesting this as an enhancement?
30-12-20 03:16 PM
You can add it in the idea portal: Share an Idea - Blue Prism Community
07-04-21 01:34 PM