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Login Agent Issue

We are using the Is Logged In action from Log In VBO to check if the bot is logged in the VDI or not, this action was always returning True value on our development Machine, But this action Doesn't work on Client VDI it is always returning false. We are using Blue Prism version 6.7.3 and hence we have installed Login Agent by using the exe which was provided with Blue Prism installation, but still, this action returns a false value, leading to process termination in debug mode. Can someone please suggest any troubleshooting steps so that this action works on our development VDI?

Disclaimer: This content was auto-posted from Stackoverflow. The original Stackoverflow question is here Stackoverflow Post, posted by Vinith Rockzz.
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Hi Vinith,

There might be few concerns...

1) make sure your login agent is properly installed on your target machine
2) make sure there is no rdp connection to the target machine. always reboot that target machine before a test to make sure any rdp connections would be removed for accurate results (rdp connection should not happen on machine with login agent)

If you are still unable to resolve the issue, log a ticket with support as this could be labour intensive investigation.

Henry Li