Our team has come across an issue with the "Reply To Mail" action. Sometimes the "SenderEncoded" property returns "email.example@email.com " which results in failure to reply to the mail. Whilst the "SenderEmail", to my limited knowledge on the subject, does not return the email again surrounded with "".
The code of the "Reply To Mail" action:
reply.AddRecipients(RecipientType.TO, msg.SenderEncoded)
My question is, what difference is it between the two properties "SenderEncoded" and "SenderEmail"? Which one is favoured to use? I was thinking of modifying the action to something like this to ensure that the sender is indeed the correct one:
Dim theSender As String = msg.SenderEncoded
If InStr(theSender, "") > 0 Then
ValidSender= True
ValidSender ="false
End If
And then throw an exception.
I would like some clarification before proceeding. It is, of course, high importance that any mailing is done securely and properly.
Best Regards,