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Microsot.VisualBasic.Strings is a type not namespace

Not applicable
Hi guys,

Have added Microsot.Visualbasic.dll at External Reference into the Code Options tab and Microsot.VisualBasic.Strings at Namespace Imports and i get this error ==> "Microsot.VisualBasic.Strings is a type not namespace". 

If i remove the Strings from the namespace and leave only Microsoft.VisualBasic then i got 200 errors.

What should I do to bypass this issue.

Into the Global Code I have a lot of C# code.

thank you for your answer!

RPA Developer


Level 5
Hi Cohen, 
It looks like you have spelling error in namespace, but maybe its only in this post, pls double check that: is Microsot.VisualBasic or Microsoft.VisualBasic

Maybe this is the reason.

But probably, you need to write in the namespace only Microsoft.VisualBasic without Strings. As Strings is a class name, not a namespace.

Here is the reference on MSDN:

Let me know if that solved the problem.

Kind regards,

Dmitrij Mamajev
RPA Developer
Volvo Cars
Gothenburg - Sweden
Kind regards, [FirstName] [LastName] [Designation] [JobTitle] [CompanyName] [City] [State] [Phone]

Not applicable
Spasibo balshoie Dmitry! It did the trick! had a typo out there!

RPA Developer


Hi Dmitrij, Please let me know your thoughts.
I have added both the DLL name and Namespace correctly but still getting this Error Message:

''Page: Initialise
Stage: Stage1
Type: Error
Action: Validate
Description: Compiler error at top section line -5: Metadata file 'Microsoft.VisualBasic.Core.dll' could not be found
Repairable: No"



Soumya Behera

Try without referencing the dll. Just use the namespace import you have for 'Microsoft.VisualBasic', and see if that works.

Dave Morris
Cano Ai
Atlanta, GA

Dave Morris, 3Ci at Southern Company

Hi Davis, Tried your way.

But now I am getting new error that is saying "Page: Action 1
Stage: Code1
Type: Error
Action: Validate
Description: Compiler error at line 2: The name 'Mid' does not exist in the current context
Repairable: No"

If do not mind can you please tell me how I can get Microsoft.VisualBasic.Core.dll so that I can put it in my "Blue Prism Automate" folder.

and do you know the Difference between "Microsoft.VisualBasic.Core.dll" &  "Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll". Because I have also tried using the second DLL file but still getting the same error.


Soumya Behera

Could you show a snippet of your C# code?

Dave Morris
Cano Ai
Atlanta, GA

Dave Morris, 3Ci at Southern Company

Hi Davis, I was trying to do use some prebuilt visual basic funtionsin code stage like MID(), Trim(), etc.


Soumya Behera

Why do you even need VB methods in C# code?
Left/Right/Mid => Substring, Instr => IndexOf, Trim is same.

C#: value = SText.Substring(SText.IndexOf(TextToSearch),4).Trim();

Andrey Kudinov
Project Manager
MobileTelesystems PJSC