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Monitoring Session Log via Windows Event Log of App Server

Level 9
Hi I'm wondering how to monitor session logs via Windows Event Log on App Server. I've confirmed Runtime Resource passes session logs to its own Windows Event Log (on the Runtime Resource), but I've not detected them on Windows Event Log on App Server. One possible solution is to pass the Event Log on Runtime Resource to that on App Server. Is there any other way? Regards,

Level 15
This is not something I have heard requested before, session logs can generate a lot of data that is meaningless outside of the Blue Prism product, so throwing all that at the windows alerts does not make sense. If you simply want to send alerts into a windows event log (such as - session terminating, or system not available, etc) - then I think you should be able to do that easily enough using code stages. For monitoring event logs - you would need an It monitoring toolset for that such as Splunk or whatever you have within your organisation.

Level 9
Hi Denis What I want to do is to monitor with monitoring toolset. The point is WHERE to monitor - monitor EACH runtime resource or monitor ONLY app server. I like the latter because it is centralized. Regards,

Level 9
Hi Dennis >If you simply want to send alerts into a windows event log (such as - session terminating, or system not available, etc) - then I think you should be able to do that easily enough using code stages. If the process is terminated by, say, OutOfMemory, how to use code stages to send alerts into a windows event log? Could you elaborate on this? Regards,