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Multiple SPN with same account having same port but with different servers

Level 5

Hi Everyone,

We are planning to upgrade our environment with new application server and thinking of possibility to use the same service account in new application server which are used in Old app server.

I understand Multiple SPN records can be added to one service account but will that work in Blue prism Environment? Suppose if we are configuring one environment with same port in both the places with the same service account.

Consider below scenario where same service account used in both the server with same port:

HTTP/SERVER1:8199/BPServer service_account 
HTTP/SERVER2:8199/BPServer service_account 

I have tested above case , it didn't work and tested with different port it worked. But may be something or somewhere I missed something. Just wanted to understand is that possible by book or anyone tried it?

Reason of above question is to omit all DB related access and managing multiple service accounts.



Hi Abhishek,

I don't see any problems with this config. As long as it is different it would work. You can not have 2 of the same SPN in the same AD environment, which can cause issues.

Although, I highly recommend always performing tests in a test environment.