Blue Prism version used:
ENHANCEMENTS (Sorted by importance):
1. Explanation: More hotkeys and shortcuts. It's possible to choose most stages by using the F2-F9-keys or pressing Ctrl + T and pressing the corresponding key, but there are no shortcuts for exceptions, anchors, recover, resume etc. It would also be great with shortcuts for "Set Next Stage", "Switch", 'Properties' etc.
2. Explanation: Debugging into a Business Object and have the exception Bubble back up to the process. Steps to reproduce:
a. Go into process or create a new one.
b. Create an action stage.
c. Right click on the action stage and select "Set Next Stage".
d. Press F11 to step into the object.
e. Run into an exception.
f. A popup box will appear with the exception type and detail. Solution: Bubble up to the process when hitting an exception in an object. A prompt may appear asking if the user wants to exit the business object or not.
3. Explanation: Choosing what attributes to match by default in the Application Modeller Solution: See my thread: 4. Explanation: Utility business object for retrieving text from a PDF document without opening it. Reason: a. Ctrl + A, Ctrl + V badly preserves formatting. b. Time consuming. c. PDF libraries often costs money (and time consuming for the client to buy). Solution: New Utility: Utility €“ PDF or new action on Utility €“ Strings that accepts File Path and different formatting options and outputs PDF text.
5. Explanation: Ability to retry completed elements. Reason: Sometimes it"s unexpected that certain elements are completed. It would be handy to retry these elements to debug why it got marked completed.
6. Explanation: Ability to load all business objects into memory when debugging a business object. Steps to reproduce: a. Open an existing process or create a new one. b. Create an "Action"-stage. c. Right click on the "Action"-stage and select "Set Next Stage". d. Press F11 to step into the object. e. Open the properties of an "Action"-stage within the Business Object you just stepped into. f. Open the dropdown "Business Object". g. Note that very few business object appear in the list. Only objects that are already referred to in the object will appear. Solution: Activate "Debug"-mode for an object. With "Debug"-mode on, all Business Objects are loaded into memory.
7. Explanation: Ability to sort Tasks within Schedules. Reason: To organize tasks within Schedules better. Although the tasks have a certain order by setting the "On complete" and "On exception" dropdowns, this order is not correctly visualized in the task list. I would like to drag-and-drop tasks in the order of my choosing. Currently new tasks show up in the end of the task-list.
8. Explanation: The choice to add new rows to collections that has no fields defined, but have been populated dynamically. Currently I have to make an empty field, add a new row, then delete the field again.
9. Explanation: Objects made while one process is opened does not appear in the action stage list when resetting. You have to close the object and re-open it for it to appear in the list.
10. Explanation: Modulo in the €œExpression chooser€. Reason: Modulo is very handy in a lot of situations. Currently I make code stages, which is more time consuming.
11. Explanation: Ability to copy the "Action" name to the "Name" of the "Action stage". Reason: To save time. When creating an action referring to a business object, I would often like the "Action name" to be the same as the "Action stage"-name. Solution: A small button to the right of the "Action"-dropdown with the universal "Copy"-symbol.
12. Explanation: Ability to set max debug speed as standard. Reason: It loses time setting the debug speed to max every time (I mostly use Shift + F11 (step out), but other developers like to use F5 (Run)).
13. Explanation: When exporting "Create a release from an existing package", then pressing "Next" the name field is empty. Solution: Package name should be already written in the field. It can be edited if needed.
14. Explanation: When deleting one of the "Force retry" queue elements the original gets deleted as well. Solution: Only delete the queue element created by the "Force retry" option.
15. Explanation: When comparing two versions in the changelog on a process or an object, I have to export a previous version then import it again to get the previous version as the new version. It would be better to simple say €œoverwrite current version with previous version€.
16. Explanation: Changing order of input and output variables in Business Objects in "Start" and "End" for better structure.
17. Explanation: Calculation stages should have a function called "InStrRev" under the category "Text". Reason: Calling "Utility €“ String" -> "InStrRev", saving position, using that position in a calculation stage etc. requires too many stages, inputs & outputs.
18. Explanation: Ability to sort Schedules. Reason: To organize Schedules better.
19. Explanation: «Return to page reference» is not possible with F11 (step into).
20. Explanation: A way to stop Shift + F11 (Step out). Reason: Shift + F11 is a lot faster than F5 (Run), but it"s problematic to stop Shift + F11. Solution: A hotkey to stop the "Step Out" action.
21. Explanation: Escape "[", "]" and """ in the €œExpression chooser€. Reason: Making a data items with one of these symbols does not feel like a clean solution as it creates an unnecessary variables. For example making a "Text" item data with the value "€" called "Quote". Solution: Some symbol to escape these characters.
22. Explanation: Remembering choices when removing tools at View -> Tools. Currently they appear again when closing and opening the process or object again.
23. Explanation: This is more a bug that is a feature, and I would like the same €œbug-feature€ to exist in output variables as well.
Steps to reproduce:
a. Make a business object that has a "Text"-variable as Input and a "Text"-variable as output.
b. Open an existing process or create a new process.
c. Create an empty collection with no fields.
d. Create an action stage and set "Business object" to the business object you created in step "a".
e. Attempt to drag and drop the collection you made in stage "c" into the text input field. (NB! Make sure the cursor is in the "Value" field).
f. You will receive an error: €œThe required data type is Text but the data type of [Collection] is Collection€. Press OK.
g. [Collection] will now be written in Value field. Great!
h. Now attempt to drag the Collection to the output "Text" variable (In the "Store in"-field). The same error message as in step "f" will appear, but the collection name is not stored in the "Store in" field.
Reason: To save time. To avoid writing the collection name manually in every output value. Note that this issue is only relevant for dynamic collection (with no initial fields defined).
1. Explanation: MAPIEx sometimes freezes when reading emails. Searching on the forum and on the knowledge exchange you can find multiple cases of this issue. "Cached exchange mode" set to off might solve this issue. However, setting "Cached exchange mode" to off will cause HTML formatting in the object "Resources -> VBOs -> MAPIEx VBO €“ HTML email" to disappear.
2. Explanation: When using a collection date variable in an Expression, the following error occurs: "Can"t compare Unknown" when using "Evaluate Expression". No error occurs if simply stepping over the stage. Steps to reproduce: a. Create a collection named "Collection" with no fields defined. b. Create an action stage and set it Business Object to 'Internal -> Collections' and Action to 'Add row'. Input "Collection" as the collection name. c. Create an action stage and set it Business Object to 'Collection Manipulation' and Action to 'Append Field (Date)'. Input 'Collection' to the collection field, "DateField" to the 'Field name' and Today() to 'Value'. d. Create a "Decision"-stage. e. Insert the following into the "Expression chooser": [Collection.DateField] > Today() f. Press "Evaluate expression". Note that the error occurs. g. Attempt to step over the decision stage. Note that no error occurs. h. Add the following into the "Expression chooser": AddDays([Collection.DateField], 0) > Today(). Note that no error occurs. Solution: Evaluate expression should give no error. Also, it should appear as an warning in the "Error list", not an error as this expression is correct for dynamic collections.
3. Explanation: When calling a folder the same name as an object, processes/objects calling the object will get a "MISSING" error.
4. Explanation: When naming an environment variable "ABC External process DEF" it becomes "ABC External business object DEF" after refreshing the environment variables list by selecting another menu and returning to the environment variable overview. This isn"t always reproducible for some reason.
5. Explanation: Pasting pages makes them jump over one page. One would expect it would be pasted to the right of the page right-clicked, not to the right of that page again. When right clicking on a page and selecting "New", the new page is placed correctly at the right side of the selected page.