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Native Messaging Host (Blueprism.MessagingHost.exe) launch delay (Edge Chromium)

Level 5

Hello All,

We are upgrading from Blue Prism 6.10.2 to 7.3.1, but We've encountered an issue with Microsoft Edge Chromium and the Native Messaging Host (Blueprism.MessagingHost.exe).

Automation that normally worked in 6.10.2 generates an exception when launching in 7.3.1 in Studio Mode. The exception is: Could not open target process. I've checked this article, but in our case, the problem has a different cause: BPE error: "Could not open target process" when launching or attaching to an application in the Object Studio : (

I noticed it's caused by the fact that BluePrism.MessagingHost.exe takes a long time to load. Under my account, it's about 20 seconds. I've tried changing the Messaging Host Detection timeout parameter inside extension options, to 30 or 60 seconds, without success.

If I start MS Edge using a "Utility Environment::Start Process" action, wait for BluePrism.MessagingHost.exe process, and then attach my object to the website, everything works fine.

I've checked the Troubleshooting browser integration ( No item suits my case.

I've checked the BPE error "The browser extension was not detected" when attempting to launch a browser based (Chrome, Firefox or Edge Chromium) application : ( trying to find some clue. Without success here.

Changing this parameter in Automate.exe.config didn't work as well.


Has anyone else come across this and found a solution? 

Thanks in advance,


Level 5

Hi Flavio - We've recently upgraded to 7.3.1 as well and seeing the same issue. Have you figured out a solution for this?


One workaround is to launch the browser via the Utility - Environment VBO then use the Wait for Process action to wait for BluePrism.MessagingHost.exe. Then once you know the browser and the messaging host are ready, use Attach.

Hi John - Thanks for the response. We've tried this and it has certainly improved the performance but is still not as quick as what it used to be. Is this the only workaround? Also, do you know if this issue is a known one and if this has been fixed in any new releases?

Hi Maneesh it's a known issue, although if you look at the Knowledgebase article linked above you'll see there are multiple possible causes. Where I've seen this issue it's always seemed that things weren't starting/loading as quickly as they should, and the workaround I proposed helps to slow things down slightly in order to ensure the browser, extension, messaging host, BP and web page are all ready. Yes it's a bit slower, but given that a launch won't happen often during a process (usually only once) it's a small price to pay.
The Release Notes will mention the improvements made in each release, so as with any upgrade project, it's best to study all releases between your current version and your target version in order to understand what the differences are and how they will affect you.

Level 7

Hello, All,

Just to chime in here.  We are also in the process of upgrading from 6.10.2 to 7.3.1, and we have experienced the very same behavior.  We also have settled on the 'Start Process' for MS Edge, and then 'Wait for Process' for the BP extension application to load.  It feels like a bit of a workaround but has also been stable.

@John__Carter , a bit of a rebuttal, if you would.  This specific issue derailed our attempt to upgrade to v7.1 nearly two years ago.  I put in a support ticket and the agents worked for weeks without a resolution.  At the outset of our v7.3.1 attempt, I again put in a ticket and again spent weeks submitting logs, demonstrating the issue (and, by the way, having the agent recreate the issue on his system) and going through all of the steps outlined on various knowledge base articles.  It was not until I had my personal epiphany about what was happening, and had come up with our version of the workaround, that we were able to move forward.

All of this is to say, the Blue Prism Support folks should:

  1. Be very clear that this is a known issue. (I liked the person I worked with.  He was the same for both the 7.1 and the 7.3.1 tickets.  But it felt like I was starting from the absolute beginning each time.)
  2. Here is something (the workaround) that will get you up and running
  3. Here are some other considerations (the KB articles) that may improve your performance and even negate the need for the workaround.

I apologize if this is all a bit salty, but this specific topic has been one (well, really two) of the more frustrating events in my working with the Blue Prism application.

<<stepping back from my soapbox>>


Robert "Red" Stephens Application Developer, RPA Sutter Health Sacramento, CA

Hello @maneesh.vemula1 , unfortunately not.

We realized that the problem occurs more frequently in our dev machines (Windows 10). The process works when running in our runtimes (Windows Server 2012 R2).

The workaround from @John__Carter works, but for us, it means refactoring all web objects... and we have a lot. As we need to change our runtimes from Windows Server to Windows 11 we're crossing our fingers to receive a solution from Blue Prism.

Level 5

Hi @stepher , @John__Carter  and @flavio.lara - We have also implemented this work around and currently testing our processes. We are however seeing some issues after attaching to certain web pages. After attaching, BP is having issues identifying elements in certain bots and on certain web pages (chrome). I'm wondering if it has anything to do with how we're attaching to the chrome browser. Would you be able to share how you're attaching to a web page once the Messaging host is active? 

We're currently attaching to chrome using the Window Title and process ID. In some cases, window title and process name, etc. 

Also, have you observed any issues with the Browser Extension 7.3?

Level 7

Good morning, @maneesh.vemula1 ,

All of our browser automations are done in MS Edge.  It is not a reflection on which browser I or my team think is best (that is actually a question I was going to put out to the Community).  It is tied to the fact that we get some modicum of support from our IS organization when we use the MS product.  We could use Chrome or Firefox, but then we would be completely out on our own if issues came up.  So... not very different than our current situation.

That said, our general Attach parameters are 'Window Title' (or very occasionally the 'Window Titles' collection), The [Windows] 'Process Name' (msedge) and the 'Child Index' (usually, 0).  The 'Window Title is wildcarded before the 'profile' and 'browser' components.  In other words, the "identified" title might be "Web Application - Work - Microsoft​ Edge", but we set it at "Web Application*".  I don't think this is going to be a shock to anyone.

As far as issues... The initialization issue we have been discussing looms largest.  There are some things I have come across that venture into the 'MV3' conversation, but I have a hard time pointing a finger at Blue Prism when it seems that the web application developers did not get the memo.  To that point, the challenge is that Blue Prism will balk at interacting with some browser-defined elements.  The exception states something about 'href' and 'javascript', after which point I reluctantly redefine the element in UIA mode.

Other than that, I have not noticed anything new in 7.3 that I was not struggling with in the 6.10 version.

Good luck,


Robert "Red" Stephens Application Developer, RPA Sutter Health Sacramento, CA

Level 5

Thanks Red - appreciate your response. It looks like the issue I was mentioning could potentially be due to the browser extension. After upgrading the platform, I still see version 6.9 browser extension in some of our machines - not sure why this was removed and updated to 7.3 in few machines but wasn't on a few other. Do we have to uninstall existing extensions before upgrading the platform? @John__Carter Do you have any insight/thoughts into this? 

Thank You