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Need help to click on table rows with in the loop

Level 3
Hi All,   I am newly started working with Blue Prism. I am trying to read HTML table, using loop need to click on each and every row dynamically and it will open some other window to do some changes in that window. I am able to read the data from table, but in loop stuck with use double click on row.    Could any help me on this with proper steps or snap shots please?   Thanking you. Narasimha Reddy P

Level 5
Hi narasimha- you need to loop through the table dyanmically by selecting one of the tag(mostly a html tag ). Please spy one of the row in the table and you will be able to figure out which property of the element should be picked up as a dynamic attribute. Once you do it, you can select the element in the navigate action and there will be double click action available. It is all down to how the element type was designed.

Level 3
Hi Chaitanya,   Thank you for you quick response.   I tried to spy the total row and used double click in navigate action, but the things are not working. And also it is not taking dynamically the rows. I used the path attribute for dynamic to get the dynamic row, but it is not working.   Thanks, Narasimha Reddy P

Not applicable
First try if it works with a single row (as it seems that you can't figure that out) before you try the loop. From what you say it is difficult to say what is wrong, but it seems not related to the loop

Level 5
when your application has the mouse click action enabled, then definitely while spying through BluePrism you will be able to identify the element type (text.combo.button) etc.. If I were you, I will first spy the element.. Add a Navigate action in your process, drag this element in the Navigate action, see what are the options blueprism is providing (click, double click) etc.. Choose the appropriate one and then step through to see if this is clicking or not.   Next item when you are posting, please paste the error to give us more info.