04-11-19 09:52 PM
04-11-19 10:00 PM
04-11-19 10:06 PM
If you don't have sufficient rights to successfully click the "Upgrade Database" button, you won't be able to execute the upgrades scripts manually, either. We're you planning on getting a DBA or someone with sufficient access, like dbo_owner access, to do this?
Look into this:
4.6. Generate Manual SQL Create and Upgrade Scripts
For scenarios where it is necessary for database creation or update operations to occur manually, the SQL scripts for the operation can be generated.
Create Script AutomateC.exe can be used to generate a script and save it on a local device which, when run against a blank database, generates the Blue Prism schema and carries out essential configuration.
Automatec.exe /getdbscript > "c:\temp\CreateScript.sql"
Upgrade Script AutomateC.exe can be used to generate a script and save it on a local device which, when run against an existing Blue Prism database, updates the schema and configuration to be appropriate for the version of Blue Prism.
Automatec.exe /getdbscript /fromrev 10 > "c:\temp\UpgradeScript.sql"
I'd recommend instead to ask the database to temporarily grant you dbo rights long enough for you to hit the upgrade button. Take the happy path if you can.
04-11-19 10:06 PM
04-11-19 10:10 PM