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Obtaining JSON data from a URL using HTTP GET

Level 4
I am trying to develop a VBO which will use a HTTP GET request to obtain JSON data from a URL and then be able to store the JSON data as a collection so the different object values can be used for automation. Does anyone have any ideas as to how this can be done, or any examples which may help?

Level 5
A simple way to obtain JSON data from a URL: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In: URL Out: Result (JSON data) Code stage VB.NET: Dim webClient As New System.Net.WebClient Result = webClient.DownloadString(URL) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alternatively, you can use HttpWebRequest class in / C# to perform requests. HttpWebRequest is detailed at: JSON to Collection: Import JSON business object from C:\Program Files\Blue Prism Limited\Blue Prism Automate\VBO. Use Convert JSON to Collection or something action to translate the JSON data into a collection.

Level 4
Thank you for your comment. I managed to get the JSON data into a text data item. However when the JSON to collection action stage is run, the following error appears: ""Internal : Could not run the object because one of the code stages has a compile error, use Check for Errors for a list of problems

Level 4
Managed to sort the issue out by including Newtonsoft.Json.dll in the Blue Prism directory. However the resultant collection stores the values I need to extract in arrays of objects. Is there a way to extract particular values from an array within a collection?

Level 5
JSON:Array in a collection is simply a collection, so you could loop through the main collection, and access the fields using their corresponding field name. For example: Loop over collection -> have a calculation stage where you have the expression: [Collection.JSON:Array.FIELDNAME] and store the result to a data text item. Or you could handle that part using code blocks, set the JSON collection as input with some filter criterias, and a filtered collection as output.

Level 4
I tried it using the loop method you described above and it works as intended. Thanks for the help!