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Forum Posts

Unable to send email on Lotus Notes 9

Hi, I am trying to set up the sent of a notification via Lotus Notes 9. I did this process for a Lotus Notes 8.5 version with the BP Lotus VBO. However, it looks like this object only works for the old version. Does anyone has been able to do this ...

Emergency Unable to recover my object/Process

Dear all, I face a new big issue on BP. After a reset of the password of the Account Admin to connect to blue Prism something Really Off Happened : €¢ Blue Prism told me that my password has been expired €¢ I Had to reload the license ! €¢ I d...

There was an error during the spying operation.

Ive got a process that's running fine on a wIn XP machine, I'm trying to get it working on a Win 7 machine and Im hitting a problem, one object starts off with a 'Navigate' step that launches IE with a specific URL, the next 'Navigation' step just cl...

SAP Objects

Hi Is there any prebuilded OBJECT "world" (library's) for SAP or other applications use? Bart

Sorting fields when exporting to Excel

I cant really seem to figure out what the sort order is when I export a collection to Excel. I have 2 collections that are merged to a single collection which is then exported to a Excel Sheet. The collection does correctly enough gets exported with ...

Trying to add custom dlls

Hello everyone, I've already read all of 5 topics I found on portal and haven't resolved my problem so far.. The issue is I'm trying to import external dll (C#) written by me and every time I'm trying to use one of it's method the same exception woul...

JanBany by Level 2
  • 3 replies

How to get the next business working day's date

We have a business scenario, in the process, there is a decision point to check if variable Date's day is Saturday, Sunday or public holiday , if yes, defer it to next Business Day(eg. Monday) Does Blue Prism has the function to check the day of th...

LuXu by Level 3
  • 3 replies