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Outlook Time interpreted minus 1 hour in BP

Level 5
​Hello BP Community

I have one process in which we are reading information from Outlook (Date and Time) e.g. Wednesday, July 24, 2019 11:00 - 12:00 p.m. or Mittwoch, 24. Juli 11:00 - 12:00 Uhr and pasted it to an Outlook template.

After the migration to BP 6, the script interpreted all times minus 1 hour. Additionally, the script interpreted 12:00 p.m. often as 12:00 a.m.

To get the time from the Collection:

Trim(Mid([Data from confirmation.When], InStr([Data from confirmation.When], FormatDate(Now(), "yyyy"))+5, Len([Data from confirmation.When])))

Could someone help me to solve this problem?

Thanks and best regards

Andre Köpplin
Senior Business Process Analyst

​Hello Ami

Thanks for your hint about the scheduling. I tested it and we had the same output.

I found on Wednesday the action, on which the invitation date/time is read and I went up one level and manipulate the text-input, which is read by the Robot from the outlook invitation. I gather the date/time as text, convert the time to time, add one hour to this time and store it back to the data item as text. My business users are happy now :-)/ 

I did it earlier too, but this cause another issues in the process, because direct after the date/time was read it was manipulated and adjust according to the requirements.

Thanks and best regards

Andre Köpplin
Senior Business Process Analyst