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💪 Overcoming Automation Roadblocks Series: How SS&C Blue Prism Process Intelligence Can Help 💪


Overcoming Automation Roadblocks Series: How SS&C Blue Prism Process Intelligence Can Help

🚀 Introduction to Our Series on Automation Challenges & Solutions 🚀

Hello, RPA leaders, automation developers, business leaders, and fellow Blue Prism enthusiasts! Given feedback on my previous post about "My Top 5 Go-To Tools for Process Mining Analysis," I'm excited to introduce a new series where we will deep dive into some of the most intricate challenges in automation.

Automation is reshaping the business landscape. It offers incredible benefits, but the journey to automation is fraught with complexities and nuances. Enter: SS&C Blue Prism Process Intelligence powered by ABBYY Timeline. This powerful tool offers innovative solutions tailored for a range of industries and operational complexities.

Over the next few weeks, I'll unpack six major challenges and delve into how SS&C Blue Prism Process Intelligence provides unique solutions including:

  1. Identifying Automation Opportunities
  2. Ensuring Automation ROI
  3. Optimizing Existing Automation Workflows
  4. Managing Process Variability
  5. Compliance and Risk Management
  6. Change Management and Employee Resistance

Let's kick things off with the first challenge!

🔍 Challenge 1: Identifying Automation Opportunities 🔍

The Problem

When it comes to automating business processes, the starting point is often the most confusing. Traditional methods like employee surveys, time-motion studies, and consultations with experts may give a high-level view, but they often miss the nuanced details that could make or break an automation initiative. The risk? Investing time and resources into automating processes that aren't the best candidates, leading to subpar ROI and skepticism around future automation projects.

 The Blue Prism Solution

Uncovering the Hidden Landscape

Blue Prism Process Intelligence goes beyond traditional identification methods by automatically discovering, mapping, and visualizing your entire process landscape. It's not just about 'what' can be automated; it's about 'why' a certain process is the right candidate, 'how' automation will improve it, and 'when' is the most strategic time for implementation.

Industry-Specific Insights

The tool adapts its analytical depth to cater to unique industry needs. In retail, for example, it could flag seasonal fluctuations in specific processes, suggesting the need for flexible, scalable automation solutions. In healthcare, identifying high-frequency, low-complexity administrative tasks could significantly speed up patient care, a crucial metric in the industry.

The Power of Predictive Analysis

Beyond just mapping out existing processes, Blue Prism Process Intelligence leverages predictive analytics to anticipate future bottlenecks and inefficiencies. For decision-makers, this means the ability to be proactive rather than reactive, setting the stage for long-term, sustainable automation strategies.

The Synergy of Micro and Macro-Level Views

What sets this solution apart is its unique ability to offer both macro (process mining) and micro (task mining) level views. While macro-level data helps in understanding the overall flow and efficiency of processes, micro-level data provides insights into human-machine interactions at the task level. This dual-lens view ensures that the chosen processes for automation are optimized at both ends of the spectrum, ensuring a more comprehensive automation strategy.

📆 Next Week

Stay tuned for the next installment in this series, where we'll delve into ensuring ROI from your automation initiatives. 

Join the conversation!

Drop a question or comment down below and get connected with SS&C Blue Prism's experts in Process and Task Mining, and collaborate with peers interested in the space.

Alex Him Solution Engineer SS&C Blue Prism New York, NY

Hi Alex!  This information will be very helpful to anyone using or looking into Process Intelligence.  I love how you laid out the series, so our BPPI Community audience knows what to look forward to each week and learn from your expertise.  Looking forward to your next posts!

Denise McMahon
Sr. Principal, Process Intelligence Bus Dev
Austin, TX
Denise McMahon Sr. Principal, Process Intelligence Bus Dev Austin, TX

Hello Alex!

These tips will be of great value to anyone involved with or interested in Process Intelligence. Looking forward to it! (=

Leonardo Soares
RPA Developer
Leonardo Soares RPA Developer América/Brazil

Hello Alex - Eagerly waiting for your next post of this series. 

If I answered your query. Please mark it as the "Best Answer"

Harish Mogulluri
Lead developer
America/New_York TX
If I answered your query. Please mark it as the Best Answer

Harish Mogulluri

Thanks for the information Alex.

Best Regards,
Devendran Venkatesh
RPA - Technical Architect |
Riyadh 11413, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Phone. +966-556784162
Best Regards, Devendran Venkatesh RPA - Technical Architect | Riyadh 11413, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Level 5

Hey Alex, thank you for sharing. 

We currently have business users identifying automation candidate processes

Working on hyper automation strategy for RPA and other automatons, this tool can play a very valuable role. Keep posting...

Konstantin Kazantsev
Solutions Architect
Church and Dwight


📢 Overcoming Automation Roadblocks Series: Update 2 📢

🔄 Update on Our Automation Roadblocks Series 🔄

Your thoughts and experiences enrich our discussions. Thanks for the feedback on the series so far, and feel free to add your thoughts with questions and comments! We'd love to keep the discussion going.

💰 Challenge 2: Ensuring Automation ROI 📈

The Problem 

Securing a strong return on investment (ROI) is the cornerstone of any business initiative, and automation is no different. However, ROI in automation is often hard to quantify due to hidden costs like training, system integrations, and ongoing maintenance. Traditional ROI models can be too simplistic, ignoring the variability and complexity inherent in automated processes.

The Blue Prism Solution 

Navigating Complexity with Data

When we talk about ROI, it’s tempting to focus only on obvious metrics like time saved or direct financial gains. SS&C Blue Prism Process Intelligence delves deeper, examining how resources are currently allocated across end-to-end processes. This nuanced data allows you to not only predict immediate financial gains but also anticipate future efficiencies, including less tangible benefits like employee satisfaction and error reduction.

Sector-Specific ROI Metrics

Different industries have different metrics for success. In manufacturing, ROI might hinge on increased production rates and lower operational costs. In customer service, it could be about reducing customer wait times or increasing first-contact resolution rates. SS&C Blue Prism Process Intelligence allows you to define and measure ROI in the context of industry-specific KPIs, lending credibility and specificity to your automation business case.

Continuous ROI Assessment

ROI doesn't end once an automation project is launched; it’s an ongoing process. Our tool offers the capability for continuous monitoring and assessment, enabling your organization to adapt and pivot as circumstances change. It's not just about getting automation right the first time; it's about continually optimizing to ensure long-term value.

Integrated Business Planning

One of the most underappreciated aspects of ensuring ROI is the need to align automation projects with broader business goals. SS&C Blue Prism Process Intelligence facilitates this by providing detailed data that can be integrated into strategic business planning, ensuring that automation initiatives are not siloed but are, in fact, complementary to overarching business objectives.

📆 Next Week

Stay tuned for the next installment in this series, where we'll discuss the optimization of automation workflows already in-place. 

Join the conversation!

Drop a question or comment down below and get connected with SS&C Blue Prism's experts in Process and Task Mining, and collaborate with peers interested in the space.

Alex Him Solution Engineer SS&C Blue Prism New York, NY

📢 Overcoming Automation Roadblocks Series: Update 3 📢

🔄 Update on Our Automation Roadblocks Series 🔄

Hi everyone! I'm back and excited to see the engagement and enthusiasm from the community. A special shoutout to Konstantin for sharing his experience in considering tech like SS&C Blue Prism Process Intelligence in hyper automation strategies – it's always great to hear about real-world applications and strategies.

⚙️ Challenge 3: Optimizing Existing Automation Workflows 🛠

The Problem 

Implementing automation is not a 'set it and forget it' proposition. As your business evolves, so do your automation needs. Yet, many organizations find it difficult to adapt and optimize their existing automation workflows, leading to reduced efficiency and underutilized resources. This is often because they lack a mechanism for ongoing performance measurement and fine-tuning.

The Blue Prism Solution 

Continuous Monitoring and Feedback Loop

SS&C Blue Prism Process Intelligence doesn't stop its work after initial implementation. Its capabilities extend to ongoing monitoring, providing real-time insights into the effectiveness of your automation workflows. This creates a dynamic feedback loop where performance data informs future optimization, ensuring your automations evolve alongside your business. This monitoring can even automatically trigger Blue Prism Digital Workers (RPA) upon a specific circumstance being detected, like a data retrieval issue, or compliance violation, automatically remediating that problem before a human is even aware.

Multi-Faceted Optimization

It's not just about speed or efficiency; optimization can take many forms-resource allocation, error rates, compliance, and even employee engagement. SS&C Blue Prism Process Intelligence delivers a holistic view that goes beyond mere operational metrics to include these often-overlooked areas, giving a 360-degree view of automation performance.

Integrating Human Expertise

Automation can be an enabler of the human expertise already in the business. By identifying tasks that are repetitive yet require human oversight, the tool enables you to create hybrid workflows that combine the best of both human skills and machine efficiency. This results in not just optimized processes but also more engaged and focused human teams.

📆 Next Week

Stay tuned for the next installment in this series, where we'll discuss the nuances associated with process variability.

Join the conversation!

Drop a question or comment down below and get connected with SS&C Blue Prism's experts in Process and Task Mining, and collaborate with peers interested in the space.

Alex Him Solution Engineer SS&C Blue Prism New York, NY

📢 Overcoming Automation Roadblocks Series: Update 4 📢

🔄 Update on Our Automation Roadblocks Series 🔄

Hi everyone, we are nearing the end of the series. Any questions so far from anyone in the community? I'd love to open the floor to anyone that is looking for more information.

🌈 Challenge 4: Managing Process Variability 🔄

The Problem 

Processes are rarely as static as we'd like to believe. Seasonal changes, market fluctuations, and unexpected disruptions can all lead to process variability. Most traditional automation solutions are rigid, designed for a specific set of conditions. When those conditions change, performance can suffer, and you might even need to re-engineer the entire automation solution, costing time and money.

The Blue Prism Solution 

Real-Time Adaptability

SS&C Blue Prism Process Intelligence is designed to thrive in dynamic environments. By continuously monitoring process performance and variability, the tool allows for real-time adaptability. It offers actionable insights into how minor adjustments or major overhauls in existing automation workflows can improve performance under varied conditions.

Customizable Alert Systems

For decision-makers, staying ahead of the curve is critical. SS&C Blue Prism Process Intelligence offers customizable alert systems that notify you when a process deviates from expected metrics or when an opportunity for optimization arises. This proactive approach allows you to manage variability before it becomes a problem. Webhook calls can be initiated upon the triggered Alert, allowing you to summon a Blue Prism digital worker, or any other software solution to respond accordingly to the problem at hand.

Data-Driven Decision-Making

In a complex, ever-changing business environment, intuition is not enough. The tool's data-driven insights enable you to make informed decisions about when to scale up or down, reallocate resources, or introduce new automation tasks. This data-centric approach takes the guesswork out of managing process variability.

Scenario Planning for Future Variability

Being prepared for future changes is as important as managing current variability. Blue Prism Process Intelligence allows for scenario planning based on historical data and predictive analytics. You can model how different types of variability—seasonal, economic, or otherwise—could impact your automation strategies, allowing for better risk management and strategic planning.

📆 Next Week

Stay tuned for the next installment in this series, where we'll discuss the importance of Compliance and Risk Management across business processes.

Join the conversation!

Drop a question or comment down below and get connected with SS&C Blue Prism's experts in Process and Task Mining, and collaborate with peers interested in the space.

Alex Him Solution Engineer SS&C Blue Prism New York, NY

📢 Overcoming Automation Roadblocks Series: Update 5 📢

🔄 Update on Our Automation Roadblocks Series 🔄

While we round off with the last two posts, there are future plans to continue the series and start new threads like this. Feel free to comment in this thread suggestions you have regarding future topics, or thoughts on the current topic. I have also had community members send me a message directly.

Challenge 5: Compliance and Risk Management 🔄

The Problem 

Automation, while a boon to efficiency and cost-effectiveness, comes with its own set of compliance and risk management challenges. From data privacy to regulatory standards, organizations often find it hard to keep automated processes within the bounds of legal and industry-specific rules. Traditional automation solutions might lack the granularity and oversight needed to ensure continuous compliance, leaving companies exposed to potential risks. This is particularly important for industries with tight regulatory scrutiny like Finance or Healthcare, or businesses with strict internal rule-based requirements.

The Blue Prism Solution 

Real-Time Compliance Monitoring

One of SS&C Blue Prism Process Intelligence's standout features is its ability to continuously monitor compliance in real-time. This goes beyond simple log-keeping to include deep analysis of data transfers, user access, key milestones, milestone repetition, time gaps between particular process steps, and other aspects that could impact compliance. Should any non-compliance issues arise, Process Intelligence can automatically trigger SMS or Email Alerts to notify the relevant stake holders the moment this happens. This Alert can also embed a webhook call to another application, such as a Blue Prism Digital Worker, to auto-remediate the detected violation; this way, by the time the Alert reaches the inbox of the stakeholders, the problem is already being addressed.

Tailored Regulatory Frameworks

Whether you're in healthcare abiding by HIPAA or in finance adhering to GDPR, sector-specific compliance requirements are diverse. Blue Prism Process Intelligence allows you to easily configure its monitoring systems based on the unique regulatory frameworks relevant to your industry, providing assurance that you're always on the right side of the law.

Risk Assessment and Mitigation

The tool provides robust analytics to perform regular risk assessments, identifying potential vulnerabilities in your automated systems. It then allows users to explore options for mitigating these risks, whether through system adjustments or changes in workflow. These changes can even be simulated to determine the effects on the overall process, before changes are implemented, saving time and money.

Auditing Simplified

Compliance is not just about adhering to rules; it's also about proving adherence. SS&C Blue Prism Process Intelligence simplifies the auditing process by maintaining a comprehensive, easy-to-access digital replica of what actually happened in the business process. Instead of only auditing a subset of cases, all cases can be audited for compliance, with a data trail to back up the audit itself. This eases the burden during both internal and external audits, making compliance less of a hurdle and more of a built-in feature of your automation strategy.

📆 Next Week

Stay tuned for the next installment in this series, where we'll discuss the the reality of employee resistance and change management when adopting Intelligent Automation. Process Intelligence can empower employees to be an important part of the automation strategy, leading to better employee satisfaction, and better intelligent automation implementation.

Join the conversation!

Drop a question or comment down below and get connected with SS&C Blue Prism's experts in Process and Task Mining, and collaborate with peers interested in the space.

Alex Him Solution Engineer SS&C Blue Prism New York, NY