31-03-23 08:12 AM
Hi Guys I am working with POST api with Blue prism I am getting response while sending this post call to postman but getting error- (Internal : Could not execute code stage because exception thrown by code stage: Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: T. Path '', line 0, position 0.) while passing this from Blue prism.
1st I am converting jason to collection to use it as a input and sending the POST request so getting above error.
Kindly help .
Thanks in advance
31-03-23 08:34 AM
Hi Sushant,
It seems like there is an issue with the JSON. If you could post a screenshot of your Postman and Blue Prism configuration, it would be easier to debug.
31-03-23 03:04 PM
Thanks for your response.
I am attaching Post man and Blue prism Configuration
I am passing below Jason Body where Session Id and Context Id will change always and I need to send command Currently its IG (It will change)
{"jSessionId":"h2DUsuOlOBvvKjHmYO5RUaC7gLzEcQ3VFBNVSHMs!1680269596622","contextId": "H1US7$7#X$691TGM#TQSLYG#91","userId": "TZTCS0577R","organization": "JL","officeId": "TYOJL06TA","gds": "AMADEUS","tasks":[{"type":"CRY","command":{"command":"IG","prohibitedList":"SITE_JCPCRYPTIC_PROHIBITED_COMMANDS_LIST_1"}}]}
31-03-23 03:16 PM
Hi Sushant,
You will have to use the HTTP Request multipart action in the Utility Http VBO. Please download the latest version if you dont see this action.
31-03-23 03:38 PM
Hi @shashank.kumar280
Thanks for your reply . In Multipart where to send Post data-
{"jSessionId":"h2DUsuOlOBvvKjHmYO5RUaC7gLzEcQ3VFBNVSHMs!1680269596622","contextId": "H1US7$7#X$691TGM#TQSLYG#91","userId": "TZTCS0577R","organization": "JL","officeId": "TYOJL06TA","gds": "AMADEUS","tasks":[{"type":"CRY","command":{"command":"IG","prohibitedList":"SITE_JCPCRYPTIC_PROHIBITED_COMMANDS_LIST_1"}}]}
Just for reference I am getting this error- The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error.
31-03-23 04:08 PM
Hi Sushant,
If you refer the user guide, the Field metadata collection has to be set. The name field will be "data" as per your screenshot and set the json in value field.