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POST API on Blue prism

Level 2

Hi Guys I am working with POST api with Blue prism I am getting response while sending this post call to postman but getting error- (Internal : Could not execute code stage because exception thrown by code stage: Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: T. Path '', line 0, position 0.) while passing this from Blue prism.

1st I am converting jason to collection to use it as a input and sending the POST request so getting above error.

Kindly help . 
Thanks in advance



Hi Sushant,

It seems like there is an issue with the JSON. If you could post a screenshot of your Postman and Blue Prism configuration, it would be easier to debug.

Level 2


Thanks for your response.

I am attaching Post man and Blue prism Configuration 

I am passing below Jason Body where Session Id and Context Id will change always and I need to send command Currently its IG (It will change)
{"jSessionId":"h2DUsuOlOBvvKjHmYO5RUaC7gLzEcQ3VFBNVSHMs!1680269596622","contextId": "H1US7$7#X$691TGM#TQSLYG#91","userId": "TZTCS0577R","organization": "JL","officeId": "TYOJL06TA","gds": "AMADEUS","tasks":[{"type":"CRY","command":{"command":"IG","prohibitedList":"SITE_JCPCRYPTIC_PROHIBITED_COMMANDS_LIST_1"}}]}


Hi Sushant,

You will have to use the HTTP Request multipart action in the Utility Http VBO. Please download the latest version if you dont see this action.

Level 2

Hi @shashank.kumar280 

Thanks for your reply . In Multipart where to send Post data- 

{"jSessionId":"h2DUsuOlOBvvKjHmYO5RUaC7gLzEcQ3VFBNVSHMs!1680269596622","contextId": "H1US7$7#X$691TGM#TQSLYG#91","userId": "TZTCS0577R","organization": "JL","officeId": "TYOJL06TA","gds": "AMADEUS","tasks":[{"type":"CRY","command":{"command":"IG","prohibitedList":"SITE_JCPCRYPTIC_PROHIBITED_COMMANDS_LIST_1"}}]}

Just for reference I am getting this error- The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error.

Hi Sushant,

If you refer the user guide, the Field metadata collection has to be set. The name field will be "data" as per your screenshot and set the json in value field.