Hi Everyone-
I am automating process through surface automation and would like to know how to pass the user name and password that were given in the credentials manager of BluePrism interactive client.
I am able to read the creds in the process through the Internal VBO Utility-Credentials. I am able to read these values in my application specific VBO and sending these creds through Global Send Key events. But seems some keys are getting missed out while the process is typing in the dialog box. I tried Keystroke delays and I also tried the clipboard actions like set clipboard and then using the global send key events I have sent "{CTRL}" But this seems to be not working.
Any suggestions?
Strange - pasting in should always work, the same as if you did it manually. Make sure you put delays in your flow between set clipboard and your paste - it takes a tiny second for it to work. Also some say that the clear clipboard action should always be used first for some kind of reliability reason. Presumably you are sending a global click to your element and have a tiny wait before you use sendkeys.
I have incorporated wait Denis but that does not seems to be working. Also, in a manual scenario as well I cannot copy paste the from my local machine to the remote desktop login dialog box when I login through RDM(mstsc). So how does sending keys action even work for pasting as it just mimic what a user does with keyboard ?
and my second query is so lets take I need to pass my username one by one character and also the password one by one character , how should I do it one by one as I can loop through username but not the password as it is masked ?
It sounds like the clipboard between local and remote machines is disabled - see mstsc settings. Re 'one by one', if you have v6 there is a setting in the Navigate stage to separate keystrokes with an interval. If you have v5, then the only option is to loop through the text sending one keystroke at time with a small wait stage in between. You can also do this on a password data type.
Hi John, mstsc settings are fine as clipboard check box is enabled but still we cannot paste the content into those dialog boxes.
I am using V5 and I could see the only way is to loop through the text. But there are couple of things that I noticed during looping.
Upper case characters are getting left out as the key press should be a different one and password will contain special characters like ! , @, "" etc which needs to be keyed in differently like SHIFT followed by different different keys for different special characters..
I would like to understand 2 things:
1)Do we have any VBO that I can use to identify the special characters or upper characters and then send the key events accordingly while passing through the text?
2)How are we handling these kind of scenarios where we have the clipboard copy paste disabled ?
Send Key Events is quite rudimentary and for things like capitals you need to say 'shift down, j, shift up, o, h, n' to send John, ie exactly as you would type it.
Hi I am facing the same issue. I am unable to write a character '@' in the password. Please assist.
Let us know exactly how we should pass using global send keys.