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Process exists gives odd outputs

Level 3
Hi Utility - General: Process exist gives True as output in situations, where process can not be seen as active from task manager. This is reproducible by using 3 blocks in a row. First, Kill Process (Excel), second MS Excel VBO: Exit and third Utility - General: Process Exists. (Excel) Why is it giving True in this situation, even when Excel is not open nor visible in task manager.

Level 15
I have just tested that action extensively for you on my own laptop against Excel and I cannot recreate your issue.   Looking at the VBO code it is extreamly simple and impossible to be wrong - it is looking at system.diagnostics.process which effectively is looking at the Windows OS running processes.    It is likely therefore that what you are seeing is something environmental.  Are you testing this locally on your own PC or on a remote VDI?  If on a remote VDI is it a dedicated persistent resource or shared (in which case other apps might be running by other users logged into other images).