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Forum Posts

Dynamic HTML Element

I am using dynamic html element ("/HTML/BODY(1)/DIV(1)/DIV(1)/DIV(1)/DIV(1)/DIV(1)/DIV(1)/DIV(1)/TABLE(2)/TBODY(1)/TR("&[TR Count]&")/TD(4)/INPUT(1)") to read a list of items on the html page. I am able to read the value of the first item on the lis...


Hi all,   I have been having this issue for a while and its really bugging me, I'm hoping somebody has had this issue and knows how to address it! When BP has been running on a VM, Automate.exe takes up over 150,00k memory thus resulting in slow r...

User without RDP permissions

A question about resource user permissions: can we run a process in a resource PC connecting to the resource with a user without Remote Desktop permission in the PC?

How can I see all posts I have interacted with?

Hi, I have posted here a couple of times and replied to some posts as well. I want to see them so I can look back and maybe answer some follow-up questions for me. How do I do that in this forum? Thanks!   rang1

RonAng by Level 5
  • 0 replies

Wrap repeatedly called processes in an object?

We know that a process can call another process. But based on the Solution Design Overview document:   A process can also call another as a child, enabling layers of processes to be created. However, the way in which Blue Prism manages its memory ...

RonAng by Level 5
  • 7 replies

Oracle Forms

I have installed JAB and tested it through the Java Monkey and Swing2.jar as laid out in documentation. I am having problems with attaching it to the Oracle  form. I launch open the correct from from the web browser. It seems there are three layers ...

VDI Issues

Hi Everyone, We are facing issues when we switch VDIs. Basically when we are running a process on the same VDI the process is running fine but when we make one VDI as control room and run the process on some other VDI(UNATTENDED RUN)  it just can't ...