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Missing Action in Process Studio (although Published)

We created this Object and Published the Action "Get Report", but when we are selecting it in the Process Studio we get this Error Message. In the Action/ProcessStudio it says "Invalid Object/Missing Action". Does anyone have a solution? Page: Main ...

Control Room Performance Report

I need to generate a report from Blue Prism Control Room regarding what will be the Resource Usage by each Process for a day. Can someone please help me on this.

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Buttons on following SAP screen being identified

We are having a situation on some items of our production in one of our processes in which buttons that are not active or that are in a screen that pops up later on, are actually being identified ahead of time and making the process produce an except...

xlxu001 by Level 5
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Process exists gives odd outputs

Hi Utility - General: Process exist gives True as output in situations, where process can not be seen as active from task manager. This is reproducible by using 3 blocks in a row. First, Kill Process (Excel), second MS Excel VBO: Exit and third Uti...

Can Blue Prism be deployed using MS App-V?

We have a requirement to offer our developers access to multiple versions of Blue Prism Interactive Client. One approach to achieve this, could be to use Microsoft Application Virtualization (MS App-V), which in theory should 'stream' required versio...

How to add Quotes in a text?

How do an add quotes in a text type object? For example, I want the have the query with text which can be passed to an application. Current query looks like this - object name or object name What I want is - eg. "object name" OR "object name". 

Email - POP3/SMTP - Configuration for IBM email id

Hi, I'm sending email notification to clients everytime the process starts or ended. I have POP3/SMTP configuration for yahoo and gmail accounts but unable to locate configuration for IBM email account. I need POP3 Server, SMTP Server, POP3 Port, ...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Issue with Data dropdown in read stage

Hi All-   I am looking to read a table in an IE browser that holds an image in one of the column and a radio button in another column. But after running my output does not have any values in those 2 columns as the 2 columns are containing image and...

Draw a Line between two locations on google/bing maps

My use case is we have a source and destination in a list. Need to spot the locations on map and Draw a line between the locations. The first part is okay, I am able to spot the locations, but don't now how the bot will draw a line between the two ...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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