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Forum Posts

BLue Prism in Windows Containers?

Hi, Has anyone had any experience of running a Blue Prism ecosystem with a containers architecture? We used to use actual servers, and we went to virtual machines a few years ago. It all works, but we sometimes have performance bottlenecks and I kee...

Retrieving Order Number

Hello,   Just doing the foundation course for Blue prism and i have a question in regards to the functions in Calculation stage. How can i Retrieve an order number of an application screen and save it using the calculation stage?

Anonymous by Not applicable
  • 1 replies

Dynamic Attribute

hi everyone....can anyone tell  me how to use DYNAMIC Attributes in application modeller and in which scenarios we can use? If possible please explain with an example. Thank you

Grid disappearance while stretching on mainframe emulator

Hi ,   Please refer to my question that i raised before on following link : or my subject Mainframe Send Keys for Emulator   Will it not be better if grid does not disappear abruptly while...

Anonymous by Not applicable
  • 1 replies

Comment Block

Hello, it would be nice to have a Comment Block stage except regular Blocks. It would be equivalent of comment in a programming language - everything that's in the comment block is not counted in errors table. Often when creating a complex process y...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Exception: Automatically set exception at CleanUp

Hi, For a couple months we have been running a process in the control room, but ever since testing we already experienced issues which is caused by a very vague exception detail: Exception: Automatically set exception at CleanUp. I have no idea h...

MAPIEx - Erroe while sending and getting mail

Hi, I am facing the below mentioned error when I am trying the send mail and also while getting mail from Outlook. Internal : Could not run the object because one of the code stages has a compile error, use Check for Errors for a list of problems ...

How do I export excel to collection, without header?

I've been trying to export an xlsx file to a collection, but the data in the excel-file does not contain headers. I want to be able to define the header names in the collection, ID-nr and Name. Excel 123;abc 124;abd 125;abe 126;abf 127;abg When usin...

IL by Level 2
  • 3 replies

Schema-base Blue Prism Roles and Permissions

Blue Prism Roles and Permissions have some area and permissions such as Process Studio - Edit Process. When I have some development groups, say, Group A and B, I want them to be able to edit only the processes of their own. How can I do this?

128 character limit using

Hi, I'm trying to call a stored procedure to insert entries onto a database via the 'Get number' action in the 'Data - SQL Server' object. One of the fields is defined on the table and in the stored procedure as VARCHAR(1000). However, when I send m...


Considering Excel Csv File as a Data Source, I was trying to create a connection using below connection string which I got to know is wrong after many tries. Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source="D:\SampleCSV.csv";Extended Properties="Text;...