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Queue Items Remain Locked Until Process Finishes

Level 2

Hello. I have a process that has been in place and unchanged since January 2022. It is using the Basic Queue Template and we haven't had any issues until recently. I noticed today that the process is keeping items locked when it follows one path versus the others. They path all end to the "Mark Items as Completed" page. It is one path that is keeping each item locked. When process completes, all locked items set with an exception tag "Exception:Automatically set exception at Cleanup." Also, the queue says there are pending items but there isnt. The Queue summary says there are (81) but filtering it out in the Queue Contents show there is none.

Its bizarre that it is only happening to one path and this is a new issue to an unchanged process. I am not sure how to handle this as the queue items keep building. This process was successfully working.

Caleb Murray
Account Services

Hello Caleb. From what I understand there are 2 problems.
1. It is a path that keeps each item locked. When the process is complete, all blocked items will be set with an exception tag "Exception: Automatically set exception on cleanup".
2. Also, the queue says there are pending items, but there are not. The queue summary says there is (81), but filtering it on the queue contents shows there are none.
1. Check if some of the arguments that are filled in in others are filled in correctly in the status marking step. Can you replicate in debug mode and analyze whether it is actually passing successfully? Would it be possible to attach a printout?
2. Could you inform the filters applied? If you can query the database, check whether there are pending records and which ones may be impacting:
FROM [YourBlueDatabase].[dbo].[QueueItems]
WHERE ProcessName = 'ProcessName'
AND [State] = 'Pending';

Leonardo Soares
RPA Developer Tech Leader
Bridge Consulting
Leonardo Soares RPA Developer América/Brazil