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Forum Posts

Control Room Plugin Data Not Accessible

Hello All,When accessing the Control Room plugin, we are getting the below error with the hub admin account.Control Room plugin access is available by default to admin users.Error - You don't have access to this page. Please contact your Blue Prism s...

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Unhandled error occurred in the IsStopRequested function

I see this error more frequently these days but have not idea what is causing it - at the time the exception is thrown we have not tried to request a stop so I am unsure as to what is means or what is causing it.Does anyone have any ideas?-----------...

Moving the Filtered data to another column

Hi Team, I'm facing an issue with filtered data in Excel. What I want to do is move the filtered data to another column. What's the best approach or action for this?------------------------------Ace Rigor Santos------------------------------

Resolved! Exception while loading process

Hi, Anyone ever faced the below, what is the possible cause?  Thanks for help!------------------------------Manish Kumar------------------------------


Resolved! Embedding image in html body

Hi team, I am trying to send a mail via Outlook. I am embedding image in the html body. Image is stored in my local machine. When I am sending mail everything works fine expect the embedded image, which other person is not seeing. I am using <img s...

Form Submission do not create an Item in queue.

Good Day, Everybody! I am doing Interact Foundation Course in University. I faced up with the problem.To begin with, it is necessary to mention that i create 2 VM one of which is holding database and other is holding everything else. Yesterday, when ...

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Resolved! how to use the code stage to convert image to html

Hi. I am trying to use code stage correctly to convert any image files to html but it has an issue to be failed. I did initailize setting like belowing. However, I got an issue that Compiler error at line 7: The name 'imageFormat' does not exist in ...


Resolved! Batch is missing in Decipher for verification

Hi,  We are using Decipher v2.1 and one of the batches did not appeared in Decipher for verification? In Blueprism logs I can see that batch was submitted successfully and I even have the batch ID. But it is still missing in the Decipher.  How is it...

dmma by Level 5
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