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Recognise Text Fails when reading *

Level 3
Hi,   I have some regions which I am using the recognise text function on. All works fine on the first region, which contains "Some Text". However the following regions contain "*Some More Text". When reading the regions that begin with *, the only text returned is "*". If I use the option "Use Original Algorithm", I get the following result "*Some More TextSome More Text*" so it's adding an extra Some More Text* on the end. Any advice would be really appreciated, can't work out where I'm going wrong.   Thanks, Rob    

Level 15
Recognise text will always work when configured correctly.  So the issue has to be one of the following: Font smoothing is not turned off.  Because your issue is not happening always that is not your problem You do not have the correct font.  Be careful, the incorrect font will sometimes work with some characters. Your region is not lined up correctly. It needs to be fairly exact with a slim white boarder around your characters.  Use a read stage to read out the image from your region (instead of reading text) to see if your region is correct. Your background or foreground colors are not consistent - they are not the same for the entire text area of changable.  Surface Automation in version 6 has a greyscale option that may solve that for you. If still in doubt I recommend reaching out to a colleague or mentor with more experience of using surface automation techniques.

Level 3
Thanks Denis, The issue was indeed with the font, as well as regions not being placed exactly right. There was an issue with the way * was set up in the font (with no padding above or below) which seemed to cause the read stage to misread everything after it. It was fine once the character was properly padded. It seems as if the read stage reads a line from a height determined by the height of the first character?