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Regarding Wait Stage

Level 4
During my development I encounter an issue. In Wait Stage timeout was not happening after the predefined time span (5 s) for a particular element with check exist condition.I had spied the element using - 1.)AA mode  2.)HTML mode(without path attribute) 3.)HTML mode(with path attribute) Time out was not happening for 1st and 2nd scenario. But for 3rd case it was happening as expected. It looks for 1st and 2nd timeout was happening when Blueprism was unable to locate the element in the User Interface. Target Application is a Web Application.
Animesh Rawat Consulant Capgemini India

With the path BP can very quickly decide that there is no matching element. Without Path there is more effort in determining that there is no matching element, and if this effort requires more than the timeout value, then the wait will take longer to time out.

Level 4
But if a developer is defining a Timeout of 5 sec in a wait stage then it should happen no matter what. Please correct me if I am wrong.
Animesh Rawat Consulant Capgemini India

Level 4
I mean to say if the selected condition in Wait Stage is not met within define timeout then timeout should happen. Is it not the way, timeout works? 
Animesh Rawat Consulant Capgemini India

I'd have to check, but I think the time required to determine that the wait condition is False can exceed the timeout

Level 2
I'm running into the same problem and it's very aggravating.  One would think the timeout should override any work that the engine is doing in searching for a control/object if that search is taking longer than the timeout period, but it doesn't appear to be the case...     Jay  

Level 2
We have the same problem. Typically we want to wait for a particular error in 10s and if that doesn't happen we should move on. This works in most cases but in some cases it don't, and we will have to make a workaround.   Bjorn