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Remove Empty Rows from collection - Unexpected error stack empty

Level 4
Hello, I am working with a large volume of data read from Excel and attempting to remove empty rows from it. I have ran the Remove Empty Rows action in the Collection Manipulation object, however it throws a "Unexpected error Stack empty" exception. I have tried using a recover block, recover, resume, count loop to handle this, however the issue still persists and continues to throw the above exception. Does anyone have any ideas on how to resolve this?  

Level 5
Hi,   Maybe try to remove empty rows using VBA Macro before uploading data from excel to Blue Prism collection. Can you tell us how many rows can be in your excel file? Kind regards

Level 4
Hi, The file will be downloaded from a system weekly so would be unable to store a macro in the Excel doc if that's what you mean.   There are 25k rows - I don't think BP reads a huge amount of empty rows more than that; think it's maybe less that there are too many empty rows and BP is struggling to remove them all, and more that there is a large amount of rows for BP to loop through and it falls over.   Thanks,