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Required pattern not supported by self or ancestor - grid pattern

Level 4

I have this error only on windows server "Required pattern not supported by self or ancestor - grid pattern" , there is any fix to this error? this appers when i try to get all rows from a UI table

(Blue Prism 6.9)

Ricardo Ferreira

Is that on Windows Server? - Yes

What alternative spy methods have you tried? - Only this method give me the results that i want

Have you tried spying a table on another web page to see if you get the same issue? - No

Have you tried a different web browser? - I need to use the chrome.

I have the same configuration (and install method) on both windows .

Ricardo Ferreira

Thank you for looking at these.

Please can you try another table on the same application/web site and one on another web site?

Why can't you use Edge?

When you say the same configuration, I assume that means the same version of Chrome and plug in. What version of Chrome are you on?

What application/web site are you trying to read?

Sorry for so many questions, I'm really hoping we can get to the bottom of this.

Ben Lyons
Product Consultant
Blue Prism
Ben Lyons
Principal Product Specialist - Decipher
SS&C Blue Prism
UK based

Please can you try another table on the same application/web site and one on another web site? - I only have this problem when i need to get all information from table from a popup window. if i try to get the table from the main page (chrome), works fine.

Why can't you use Edge? - i have tried firefox and IE and i can't have some elements.

What version of Chrome are you on? Version 88.0.4324.150 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Same configuration and installation on Blue Prism.

What application/web site are you trying to read? BMC Remedy 🙂

Ricardo Ferreira

Thanks Ricardo,

I may have an idea to try then. I suspect that when the pop up window appears, Blue Prism isn't as able to identify elements in it as it's a new window.

To test this theory, have you tried (can you try), detaching from the main window, then attaching to the pop up window? Be sure to use the specific window text.

Once the pop is closed, you will need to re-attach to the main window. I've had to do similar on other websites.

Ben Lyons
Product Consultant
Blue Prism
Ben Lyons
Principal Product Specialist - Decipher
SS&C Blue Prism
UK based

unfortunately I didn't quite understand the idea. Can you give me an example please.

one of the reasons for me to use UI Automation is because of that, the blue prism cannot access the popup as part of the main frame. in this project I have used all types of spy and they all work both in the main frame and in popups, except this case of obtaining a table from UI Automation

Ricardo Ferreira

No problem.

When Blue Prism attaches to a web browser, it connects to a specific window. It can operate between different tabs, but a new window is effectively a new instance of the application. (Take a look at Task Manager and you will see multiple instances of Chrome running)

While on occasion Blue Prism may successfully interact with a pop up, it's not very consistent as it may be looking through several instances of Chrome.

So for this I would recommend creating a new object for the pop up window. This should include actions to attach, carry out the actions needed and detach.

There's more information in the browser automation guide:

3.8 Pop-up Windows
Depending on how the web application has been built, you might need to create a separate business object to interface with a popup window. This will be the case if you see the "A spying error has occurred" error message. A new object will need to be configured to attach to a running instance of the popup, rather than launching something. Pop-up windows may need to be spied using Win32 or AA mode instead of the usual HTML mode. To speed up development, it might be best to build a separate generic object to handle IE pop-up windows.

This can be found on the University, in the module "Working with different application types and Spy Modes".

Let me know how it goes or if you need any further detail.

Ben Lyons
Product Consultant
Blue Prism
Ben Lyons
Principal Product Specialist - Decipher
SS&C Blue Prism
UK based

Hello again

Unfortunately, this is a dynamic pop-up, so I cannot copy and paste the link and create a new object. I really need to use UI Automation to get this table

Ricardo Ferreira

Level 4
@RicardoFerreira I am also facing this issue. Have you got any solution for this problem?​

Sharmil Shah

Hi Ricardo,

You don't need the URL to create an object.

1. Create a new object that attaches to an application that's already launched, no need to include a URL.
2. Use the main object to navigate to the point at which the pop up appears.
3. Create an action in the new object to attach to the pop up. It will need the process name "chrome" and window title. The window title can include wildcards * where it changes. E.g. If it were Google UK and you wanted to use it on Google IT, write Google*.
4. Once attached respy and recreate the action to read the table.
5. Replace the action in your process, but keeping all the actions from the original objects that work.


Ben Lyons
Product Consultant
Blue Prism
Ben Lyons
Principal Product Specialist - Decipher
SS&C Blue Prism
UK based

Do you have any quick quide / tutorial (pdf / youtube video) with this steps? so far I haven't been able to do what you suggested

Ricardo Ferreira