05-06-19 05:36 PM
05-06-19 06:01 PM
If the user you're logged in as a local admin, you could run "shutdown /r -t 0" from a command-line. Just curious though, why log out entirely instead of just using "Lock Screen" and "Log In"?
About the only pro I can think of here, is that it refreshes the system to a known working state. One of the major cons though, is the downtime before you're able to run your next process again.
17-06-19 06:07 PM
17-06-19 06:40 PM
18-06-19 07:16 AM
I believe that we also face this issue from time to time. (We do login-work-logout on every execution)
In general, the server conclude that the resouce is "offline" but If I query the resource, it states "Ready!"
Logging into the resource, that would trigger a switch from LoginAgent to Runtime will normally fix the problem .(But that is not nice during nights and weekends.... )
When this happens to you, what if you query the client from the outside, what response do you get ?
Run in a browser or other tool. BTW; do you run with separate ports or the same port on your resources ?
All the best,
20-06-19 09:27 PM
20-06-19 10:23 PM
21-06-19 08:12 PM
22-06-19 03:42 PM
02-07-19 08:44 AM