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Forum Posts

Spy Elements

​We are working on a citrix application n blue prism. The code is working in virtual desktop we have spied all elements and working fine in vdi but when some other vdi want to run from laptop the spied elements are not spied.Help us out with this urg...

Facing issue in MS word formatting using blue prism

Hi,I am generating employees letter in MS word and converting it to PDF.But facing the issue of MS word letter formatting like Alignment,Date need to at right hand corner of letter,Some sentence of letter need to be in middle with underline,required ...

VMware and global send key

I want to send WINDOWS + R keystroke to my VMWare player but it is not working. Anyone has idea what can be the problem here.I also tried sending other key stroke like  CTRL + A but no luck.I tried using both global send key and global send key event...

AES Decryption knowing the Key and IV

Hi People I want to decrypt a .b64 file (AES Decryption) with a key and IV?Any Idea how to do that with Blue Prism?I will appreciate any C# or Powershell code?Thanks a lot.Best regards,ayyoub------------------------------Ayyoub Benoudina-------------...

Decrypt a b64 file?

Hi People I want to decrypt a .b64 file (AES Decryption) with a key and IV?Any Idea how to do that with Blue Prism?Thanks a lot.Best regards,ayyoub------------------------------Ayyoub Benoudina------------------------------

Loop issues

Hi, I´m now working in a process and I´m using a loop, when select the collection that I want to use, there is no probelm, but when I run the process the collection desapear, and I receive the message below:"Invalid Collection supplied for For Each l...

Active Work Queue and Scheduler Fail to Trigger Process

Hi Blue Prism Community, I have been building a process myself to test the work queue capability of Blue Prism 6. Architecturally, I would like a process to be triggered to run when an item is added to a queue. I understand Active Work Queues is desi...

Stephen by Level 3
  • 1 replies

OLEDB - Call a procedure

Hello!I hope you can help me.I tried to execute a DB Procedure. I am already connected to Oracle Database. Can someone help me to understand what I put wrong?I tried both:BEGIN P_WS_CONSYS.P_INSERT_T_COST_CENTER_SOLL;END;and EXECUTE P_WS_CONSYS.P_INS...


Role of Design Authority in RPA

Ever wondered,why after a year in your RPA journey, the team still takes 4-6 months to automate one process? Why are existing objects not reusable? Why is the team unable to build processes in parallel and deliver early benefits? All the answers to...

Active Work Queue and Scheduler Fail to Trigger Process

Hi Blue Prism Community, I have been building a process myself to test the work queue capability of Blue Prism 6. Architecturally, I would like a process to be triggered to run when an item is added to a queue. I understand Active Work Queues is desi...

Stephen by Level 3
  • 0 replies