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Forum Posts

Unable to log in to Blue Prism

Hello, since last week I cannot log in to Blue Prism any more. When I try it gives me the following error: I was redirected to this forum by Blue Prism Global Customer Support with comments bellow: "It looks like you are using an Azure environme...


Activate Window is not working in Blue Prism 6.7.1

HI Team, Activate window is not working in latest Blue Prism Version 6.7.1. If I am trying to do activate using Navigate stage then it's not working. I faced this issue in Blue prism 6.7.1 Steps :- Select any application window using win32 mode and...

Resolved! MS Outlook VBO - Tracking replies to an email

Hi, I have an email for which I have outlook event id of message. I have to track all replies to that email and read body of reply and accordingly do further actions. How can I track all replies to a particular email with event ID of first email?Also...

Integrating GCP Services

Hi All,We have couple of requirements on interacting with GCP services like Cloud storage, BigQuery etc.., from Blue prism.Few examples could be,1. Uploading a local file to Cloud storage. Downloading an object from cloud storage to local location.2....

Configure MS Outlook Email VBO

Can anyone help me with any tutorial or any document for using MS Outlook Email VBO ! Seems that it has come with latest BP version------------------------------Chirag SharmaBusiness AnalystAccentureAsia/Kolkata------------------------------

My account not able to fine 'Support Tickets'

Dear All,       I am not able to find 'Support Tickets'  option to raise a Blue Prism ticket. I have urgent technical issue and can't support the best solution to customer.     For sending mail to , This method received a very...


Session Inactive Pop Up

Hi,We have a website which throws a pop up if the website is idle for 4 minutes. If we click on Continue then we can proceed with normal operations but even this pop up exists for a max 10 sec and then website logs out .When we do the operations manu...

Very large excel with MS access

Hi, We have a very large excel for which native Interop based Excel VBO or OLEDB object for excel is not working. Kindly suggest some alternates to handle it. One way I was thinking was to load data from excel to ms access and then apply query to fil...

Resolved! Help on performance improvement

Hi Team,This is a high level lay out for one of my project, which runs 24/7.Theses are few details.1- Object 1 , mostly works on HTML mode.2-Object 2, 95% works in SAP mode.  5%- in UI mode. Problem:-Bot runs good however, it takes time to identify t...


Fail to run the session in server under control room

I have one RPA can run successfully in local pc under contol room however the rpa fail to be triged in server. I tried Blue Prism 6.6 and 6.7.Changed three PCs, no gains at all .Detail: My RPA is needed to lanch the website in firefox ,I adopted the ...

JUNCHOU by Level 2
  • 1 replies

AES Decryption knowing the Key and IV

Hi People I want to decrypt a .b64 file (AES Decryption) with a key and IV?Any Idea how to do that with Blue Prism?I will appreciate any C# or Powershell code?Thanks a lot.Best regards,ayyoub------------------------------Ayyoub Benoudina-------------...