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Forum Posts

Spy issues

Hi Guys,I´m facing a big issue to when I´m trayng to spy web pages, I think is about  my screen resolution, I´m able to spy all the spots that i need, is possible only to apy all the scree resolution is 1366/768, I just used regedit to increa...

Expert Connect - COVID 19

Do you need some quick advice from an RPA expert related to your COVID-19 business challenges? As COVID-19 sweeps the globe and steadily disrupts everyone's lives and businesses, many of our customers are leveraging the power of Blue Prism to either...

Expert Connect - COVID 19

Do you need some quick advice from an RPA expert related to your COVID-19 business challenges? As COVID-19 sweeps the globe and steadily disrupts everyone's lives and businesses, many of our customers are leveraging the power of Blue Prism to either...

Text to Environment Variable

Hi Guys,Is there any action or way by which if we pass environment variable name in process startup parameters, it will fetch the data of environment variable of that name?------------------------------Kirti .Operation ExecutiveAsia/Kolkata----------...

Kirti by Level 2
  • 2 replies

Blueprism Application is not responding

Hi Everyone,From last 10 days i am having issues with Blueprism application in my local machine. So i reached out to help desk people to get uninstall and reinstall of both BluePrism and SQL Server. Still the issue is there, when ever i click on any ...

Excel to PDF automation

​Hi, I want to automate Excel file conversion to PDF format, without using any coding.Can someone please advise on how to do this?------------------------------Neetu Bhatia------------------------------

How to filter n rows in a collection

I have a collection which is a final collection after using sort collection. From that final collection, I want to filter only "n' rows for example only Top 3 from that collection. So my final output collection should look like 1. Suman3 - 52.32. Sum...


Copy and Paste Worksheet Range Issue

Hi, may I have your help?There are more than 1 excel (.xls file) need to be consolidated into one excel (.xlsx file). I use action "Copy and Paste Worksheet Range" of excel vbo. but strangely that sometimes all files can be fully copied and pasted, s...

EricLi by Level 6
  • 3 replies

Login Agents in VDI environments

Folks;I am looking at how customers and partners are using Login Agent with VDi systems and would like to get an idea as to scalability and the operational level of effort.Thanks,------------------------------Steve WatersPlatform ConsultantBlue Prism...

Unable to select anything in Studio

Hi,I'm a complete newbie looking to understand BP and have downloaded and installed BP6.8 Learning Edition and then downloaded the Labs files and imported the bprelease file. So far so good!However, I've fallen at the first hurdle as in Lab01 it requ...

Blue Prism - exporting a Report via Data Gateway

HiCurrently we are using BP Data Gateway to extract Dashboard data into Power BI, which is working fine.We are now looking to send following information to Power BI so that we can generate a report :Queue Name, Exception Name, Exception Count This do...

Issue with clicking on a button using Blueprism

Hi All,Let me explain you the issue that I am facing, I need to submit a page (Internet Explorer), post submission the portal asks for confirmation. The confirmation is a new sub window that has 2 buttons (red (X) and green (✓)) . I need to click on ...

Facing issue with Exception used for terminating

I have a master exception recovery on main page of process, which is not attached with block to any stage. The aim of this is to handle any left out exception due to which process might terminate and gracefully terminate the process. In master recove...


Chrome AA no longer working

Hi guys,Before Chrome support was added to BP, I developed an object that interacts with AA elements in Chrome by using the --force-renderer-accessibility setting in launch options for Chrome. It has been running fine ever since up until two weeks ag...