I have created an object for a flash based website where I could spy elements in AA mode. I was able to enter data to the fields and was able to click on any part of the screen. It was working well early. The entire process which used three business objects was working perfectly.
All of a sudden when I tried to run the process one day whenever the process calls the object which interacts with the flash based website it do input some fields and click on some elements but in between the computer on which the process is running gets locked.
I checked it several times and could figure out that the system is getting locked when it works with this flash based website.
There is no rule that at what time it gets locked. Sometimes it gets locked when I enter some fields sometimes when I click somewhere.
I tried to run the process in three different RTRs(VMs) running windows 10 but the error is still there.
I connect to these VMs via citrix and I even changed the laptop which I use to connect to citrix. Still the system(RTR) is getting locked even if I move the mouse here and there (I am not keeping the system idle)
I restarted the BPServer but still no hope.
It was working well earlier without any issue but all of a sudden this weird kind of thing is happening.
Please advise on what is going wrong.
Are you saying that the windows screenlock is coming on after a period of time (so that you are out at the windows lock screen asking you to log in)?
If that is what is happening it is a discussion to have with your technical architect - screen lock should be disabled for your virtual workforce.
Hi Denis Dennehy, You are right. I am getting locked out and windows is asking me to login. Screen is getting locked even if I continuously move the mouse manually in the RTR. The screen is not getting locked because the system is idle.